3y ago  The Hub

@whiteindia Bro. Your a thot.

3y ago  The Hub

@whiteindia Nah. You are. Cause someone finally challenged your statements and all you could come up with is "u mad bro" and "your overthinking this".

3y ago  The Hub

@whiteindia Bruh you're not thinking at all. Just repeating a bunch of feel good terminology like an instagram thot.

I'm not here to compare philosophical definition dick size.

Neither am I. But you are here to have a bunch of dudes agree with whatever you say and give stars.

3y ago  The Hub

@whiteindia Putting the cart before the horse since Socrates. And also muddling definitions. Motivation is always internal. The object of that desire is external. So you saying "external motivation" and "have your actions congruent with your internal motivations" doesn't make sense. You also use "self-determination" as a placeholder to say "have an internal locus of control, dont let others control you or your desires". Then you talk about erasing one's ego thereby erasing one's desires... as a cure for the misery one feels when those desires are not satiated. Then you pepper in some circular logic like "contemplation = happiness" and "self-determination = happines". So which is it my guy? You are all over the place with this. I feel like we aren't even arguing the same thing.

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3y ago  The Hub

@whiteindia Yes. And becoming self-reliant in the real world is also something you shouldn't ignore. What does it matter if you are merely self-determined in the mind?

3y ago  The Hub

@billybob Uh huh. Care to elaborate? What did you find that was "way way WAY more complicated" than that?

3y ago  The Hub

@neo_ You make it, or die trying.

3y ago  The Hub

@whiteindia Not the point. If you wish to be truly self-determined, how can you claim it is merely a mental state independent of reality and external circumstances? You live in THIS world after all.

3y ago  The Hub

@drake Get well bro. You will be fine.

3y ago  The Hub

@RedPirate751 Hold frame, answer back with equally scathing remarks and insult. Practice this with your friends or (even better) people you don't like. Maybe get into a call with some of the guys here and test the way you talk. All out "nuclear strike" is when things escalate too far.

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