4y ago  The Hub

@Whisper The lines have become diluted in gen z. Acknowledge the value of is now considered hate while acknowledge the welfare of is the new and only definition.

4y ago  TheRedPill

@SonofRedPill I'll translate this for everyone: Hi guiz I took a pill my doctor gave me because I complained about a lack of discipline and tech addiction (ADHD) Now I feelz good because my dopamine is jacked up so I feel like posting a drug fueled rant explaining that I need this pill because I have a problem with the way I process information. But hey guiz it's not like this same doctor also hands out SSRIs, Anti psychotics, and Benzos to every man, women, and child that complains about anxiety, depression, and lack of motivation. My case is different guiz I actually have ADHD because I feel good when I take meth.

Sonofredpill: Take Modafinil if you care about your future.

4y ago  The Hub

@Bilskee Watch The Pervert's Guide to Cinema if you're really interested in the answer.

4y ago  The Hub

@nr368 Yes. Even way back in the 80s-90s, it seemed like EVERY young woman you talked to had an "I was raped/abused" claim. It's an easy participation trophy in the Oppression Olympics. I'm cynical because so many of these claims did not stand up to time or scrutiny.

4y ago  The Hub

I've had 3 girls in the last 3 days tell me they either have be raped or sexually assaulted. They wear it as a badge of honor. Like they deserve to be treated better than a normal girl.

Anybody else experience this nonsense?

4y ago  TheRedPill

@Rollo-Tomassi This is a great opportunity to attack GLO. But you wont play a game you think you can lose. You're going to lose it all if you're playing the defense. You can't advise against something without being willing to confront it yourself.

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