2y ago  The Hub

@sleepyweaselisawake Welcome to the wastelands.

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2y ago  The Hub

@ACE3CGL 100%. The most valuable currency to women is social. They want attention from everyone at all times but only want to be approached by certain guys.

I'm a full time student at a major SEC school. Every chick on campus dresses for attention. Everywhere I go it's yoga pants and crop tops. And, I always think to myself, some poor bastard is just one long stare away from Title IV.

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2y ago  The Hub

@carnold03 This is a great post but I would like to take it a ste0 further. Follow these 3 simple steps to self improvement.

1) Learn to cook. I'm not talking full gourmet meals, learn to cook some basics, ditch the boxes and can and learn to fry, sautee, use a crockpot, season.. It's life changing.

2) Exercise every day. That doesn't mean become a gym bro. Push ups and walking/jogging are easy, free, and will start you down the path.

3) Read for 30 mins every day. Read anything you want and keep a small collection of favorites on a bookshelf.

I started a small collection of Cajun Cookbooks recently that women, for some reason, just love.

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