3y ago  The Hub

Guys I need advice. Since I had a threesome with my plate I don't really wanna drive 30 minutes to have sex with just her anymore.

She invited me tonight and I told her "sure do you know anyone who wants to hangout?". And now she's telling me that I'm being mean because I don't want to see her alone anymore..

Thing is I've been seeing her for 3-4 months now and I need a change, so I'm not motivated to fuck her solo anymore.

Should I feel bad for this?

3y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 It's cool. Anyway I tried to pass the shit test by text, she laughed a bit but then said "I can't believe you're the only cute one in your friend group?!"

Any ideas ?

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3y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 It was with 2 girls but now that you mention MMF, why don't you unzip pony boy and join in ?

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3y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV Lol yeah I guess, its a tough shit test to get out of.

3y ago  The Hub

Boys, my plate keeps asking me to bring a guy friend to hook up with her girlfriend, but I have no attractive guy friends. How do I pass this shit test?

Last time I brought a guy friend he was ugly and I ended up in a threesome since she didn't want him (legit). But she's asking again...

1 1
3y ago  The Hub

First threesome ever - with a plate's friend

3y ago  The Hub

@total_sleazeball he is your father, not the other way around. The maximum you can do is thank him sincerely for the good things he's done for you, that allowed you to get where you are today. It's not your responsibility to unplug him. It's his.

What sexual success can he gave in his 60s anyway? His best chance is a sugar baby (stable prostitute).

3y ago  The Hub

My father is also an angry man, who used to be beat up by his own father. When I was young he would go into incontrollable rage and break things. He has improved but the demons still come out sometimes. For example, he does road rage very often still. I realized this probably affected me deeply and started seeing a therapist some months ago, and ultimately gained much better control of my emotions, but I feel guilty because he has not.

3y ago  The Hub

I've been following the red pill path for 3 years now, still in my early 20's. I have a question today not about women, but about our fathers.

I often feel bad for my father, because he sees me live a life that might have seemed out of reach for him. My life is nothing extraordinary, but I do have a fair bit of success sexually and in the gym, things that have become so easy today thanks to the internet. My father, in his day, had no such access to the internet, and therefore I wonder if it causes him pain to see me bringing women home on the first date - which he never thought possible (since he listened to women, as we all did at some point). In his youth he went to the gym a bit, but never became as jacked as I have, he had a couple girlfriends, but other women always gave him the "nice guy" treatment.

Does anyone relate to this experience of involuntarily unplugging your father? Rollo once said that a man in his 60's should never be unplugged, for the pain would be too great. I suppose I feel bad for doing it involuntarily.

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