4y ago  The Hub

@replacemenwithalphas00 For sure, they are definitely better than that. Where do you find these guys? Most gym bros aren't much else beside gym bros. Don't have time for BJJ or something similar.

4y ago  The Hub

@replacemenwithalphas00 Point taken. Shows that I put too much value on sudokos. Thanks m8

4y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil see below

4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool & @gaylubeoil in particular

4y ago  The Hub

...There is no real point to this post beside a venting session, as there is no one else I can say this to. Can anyone else relate? The higher SMV I get, the easier and more obvious the nature of girls becomes (disappointing) and fewer guys are eligible to be friends and keep up. I try to be stoic about it and am generally happy and grateful. Yet its also a bit sad. Thoughts, experiences, advice?

4y ago  The Hub

...are on a different, lower, level. This too is disappointing. I have not found one male who is as ambitious, intellingent, good looking, etc enough to be friends without finding me intimidating. This is not a brag, this is a legit concern and depressing part of my life. I am trying to be stoic about it, but I am realizing I am alone and likely will always be.

4y ago  The Hub

It has gotten to the point now, where girls are too easy officially. Went from n count of 3 to 19 in the past year with virtually 0 effort. I am at the point where I get excited when a girl doesn't put out. This, I assume, is me realizing girls aren't anything special and also being disappointed that girls are all so willing to fuck a perceived alpha. Also at the point where my old friends...

4y ago  The Hub

@nr368 I would, but don't live in states

4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool True 7+s seem very rare. I'd say I've only seen 4-5 8s in my life. Where are these Thot gardens?

5y ago  The Hub

@Noblefiz Maybe, at this point I won't though. If I tell someone I am exclusive then i will be till I decide I don't want to be. As it stands, I want to try exclusivity out for a while. I can always stop and game again

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