4y ago  The Game

Game 4.0 is basically not do-ing, anything

See Eugen Herrigel's archery

Sauce: twitter.com/karum6mm_/status/1231833492629180416?s=19

4y ago  The Hub

@TheStoicCrane he’s not far off. I got lost on a night in Liverpool, 2 tabs of acid revealed an ominous vibe in every venue

4y ago  The Hub

@tw0fou4six8 read study & cultivate the same, fam there’s something ur not telling us here

4y ago  The Hub

@tw0fou4six8 boooo! Sounds like your govment need to ease off the fluoride. You must absolutely read those books & more, they’re fucking awesome and provide a radically different context for many aspects of your your life. Unless you do a pre-mortem analysis of ur current course, you’ll later get to a certain point where going out to get sex, status games and other RPB objectives have been wrung so dry that you’re forced to see the bigger picture.

Unfortunately though, if you’re acquainted with losers who are very much still bought into the Whole deal; jumping for soy at the idea of playing a rigged gamme, at that stage you pretty much have to animate giving a fuck. might have a hard time breaking off.. or not it’s not actually that hard—unless you’re a narcissist.

For that I recommend getting mastery over soydeology then taking the absolute piss out of everything to do with it via total resignation. A dumb donkey, who, surrounded by readily available carrots opts for worms in the mud. “You’re a mad guy ukno; why do u do that?”, confused look of attentive anticipation.

See: Zhuangzi’s Ideal Useless man paragraph 3. Ps this guys was defo a lp9

The hilarity can get addictive though, even moreso because you’re the only one in on the joke so you just keep extrapolating more, creative ways to make it more ridiculous & absurd; a junkie looking for his next fix of MettaIrony^2. Ya reading Evola’s hard if you’re just focused on connecting dots for lols.

eventually you get to a point where you can, literally, say & even do anything you want, espescially with game dude—like you meet 10000s of people, maybethrow in a bit of LSD and you come to know when someone’s being real vs speaking through something ideas. Yawn. Hard to take them serincerly before their unconscious pops the persona’s cherry . GFX & jokes until further notice.

For you I suggest on last run of a Trance of Great Health, vigorous activity & narcissistic constancy. Ride that shit till the wheels fall off. Then you can don the neophyte robe completely; without Meister Zeigarnik knocking at your door. You’ve seen too much to happily play the fagôt so might as well take it to the next level.

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4y ago  The Game

This is what good game looks like youtu.be/l4qm1iehtnq

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4y ago  The Hub

@ShinyLightOrbs eloquently described by the guy with the trole tribe

4y ago  The Hub

@Abaddon u can hit the pub with some bros for that & besides ppl have their own communication styles so not much u can do there withot policing authenticity

4y ago  The Hub

@Abaddon well those are house rules ennit. There was never even a need to complain or “find a way round”. Leave it alone, participate when appropriate & if you really want an environment characterized by freindlisness and absence of discord; make your own thing.

But shhhh people are reading.

4y ago  The Hub

@Abaddon find a away around it to go where?

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