2y ago  The Hub

@neo_ I agree with that. It's funny how the law and convention influence people's perception on having sex with younger people. I mean, I've fucked 17 year olds as the age of consent in my country is 15, but in some states I could've gone to prison for such thing. It's pretty silly, if you ask me.

2y ago  The Hub

Issues with ego? I have this thing with women. Back in the day, when I was clueless, I faced quite a lot of rejection. When I got the hang of the basics, things have improved in that aspect. Anyway, whenever I know I have the girl in my pocket and she will spread her legs, I instantly stop caring. Sure, having sex is nice but I have a feeling that the awareness of her being up to fuck me is pretty much enough for me as it satisfies my ego. Because of that it's hard for me to set up a rotation and get plates as I immediately lose interest. How can I change that mentality?

2y ago  The Hub

Chick is annoying after our first date. She spams me with pointless messages and calls. I want to fuck her again but at the same time I don't want to engage in conversations about nothing everyday with her. What is the right solution here?

2y ago  The Hub

@Jocbro yeah, the relationship thing might be true. She told me we started chatting right before she broke up with her boyfriend and I was her second lay overall.

2y ago  The Hub

Change of heart after sex? I had this younger chick at my place lately. Super submissive, calling me daddy and all of that. We wake up the next morning and she's acting as if she felt remorse she had sex. How to get that regret out of her mind and comfort her? Looking for solid advice.

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