8y ago  The Hub

Nice guy gets fucked over and over. Gets mad and become an asshole. Massive success. Over time, the anger decreases. He doesn't need to be a dick to be loved and respected anymore. That's the path : extreme, another extreme and then equilibrium. Does anyone knows what happens after that?

8y ago  The Hub

@Ika- The reason why guys want women

8y ago  The Hub

The fourth industrial revolution is upon us. Time to get those programming skills up! Apply TRP principles and learn the necessary skills to better navigate the world. And prepare for sex robots, which is going to be super fun ;p

8y ago  The Hub

Pleasure leads to suffering. Pain leads to happiness.

8y ago  The Hub

Mutual respect between a man and a woman is not possible.

8y ago  The Hub

@Doodley-cro I'm very interested as well. I may add the few good movies I know.

8y ago  The Hub

@Redasshole Oh you mean Ghostbusters: Affirmative Action Squad (aka. all women)

8y ago  The Hub

@Redasshole Avoiding theater movies is a great idea these days.

8y ago  The Hub

@-Anteros- Just watch the new ghost buster movie's trailer.

8y ago  The Hub

Society's decay will not be reversed. Some think it will reach a critical point and realize it's mistakes. Personally, I don't care. Society fucked me in the ass for years and it can burn for all I care. The only thing that matters are oportunities and how to use them to arrange the world immediately arround us to please us.

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