4y ago  The Hub

Not even James Bond is safe from the wall

4y ago  Bodybuilding

Best way to train your neck is doing (...) any legs exercises with dumbbells.

Hahahahahaha :D


4y ago  The Hub

@replacemenwithalphas00 Lost that thread, yes

So, no objection from me on that!

4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool You too brah

4y ago  The Hub
4y ago  The Hub

@replacemenwithalphas00 I've generally liked quotes from Patrice, but I'm not so sure about that.

Firsr, it can be phrased in reverse: "If you let your kid get away with it 10 times and (only) 3 of them you feel "I should have punished him", these 3 times are worth the 7 you didn't do a mistake."

But I'm not arguing for discipline or against it here. Sure, raising kids you are going to make mistakes, but if 3 out of 10 you don't know what you are doing, and you cannot be sure even afterwards, you are doing a shitty job.

4y ago  The Hub


4y ago  The Hub

@SonofRedPill Great cope for jerking your dick infront of a pixel screen.

4y ago  The Hub

Thor will be a woman? bitches can

4y ago  The Hub


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