3y ago  MensRights

@MenAreFine You also have an (albeit out of date) archive of your sub here: www.forums.red/i/mensrights

3y ago  MensRights

We now have 85 members, more than double what we had two years ago.

The original purpose of this tribe - a backup for r/MensRights on Reddit - has not yet been needed. But it's good to know that more people are coming here.

I think I'll post something on the subreddit to publicise it.

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4y ago  MensRights

Hello to all the new members!

It's not very active here. But I'll add the link to my sticky post on r/MensRights.

I don't expect much activity. As long as the subreddit is still up, hardly anyone goes to other forums. But as long as they subscribe here, they'll be able to migrate if and when the time comes.

Everyone should be subscribed to at least three alternative networks. That will create strong connections which are difficult to break.

As a last resort, TOR is a very robust secure browser.

5y ago  MensRights

@MenAreFine Thanks- it's home grown software! We're also adding forum capabilities much like reddit's in the very near future.

5y ago  MensRights

Agreed on all points.

I wanted to follow you, but I couldn't see how to do it. Then I looked at the options, and it seems I'm already doing it!

This is an impressive website that seems to run on software that I haven't seen before. It will be fun to explore its capabilities!

5y ago  MensRights

@MenAreFine We're glad to have you. The two communities have always had some contentions between us, but at the end of the day I think we're on the same team even if our approaches and worldviews are different.

5y ago  MensRights

Welcome to all thirty tribe members!

I don't really know how the tribe thing works, but I've planted a seed, so to speak.

I'm glad that reddit didn't ban r/TheRedPill (yet). Actually the threat message was enough to get people motivated enough to make trp.red work.

We have different goals but they are compatible. Men's Rights is about getting equal legal and social rights for men, in areas such as family law, employment, fair trials, discouraging false rape accusations and the like.

We're working on our own non-reddit-based network too. It's important to have many communication links for men (and women) that are resistant to censorship.

5y ago  MensRights

@redpillschool Thank you!

I probably should have registered with my reddit name, but I wasn't sure if I should make it known. I may change it later.

5y ago  MensRights

@MenAreFine Welcome!

5y ago  MensRights

I don't know how to use Tribes yet. I created this as a place holder.

I'm one of the moderators of r/MensRights on reddit.

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