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Where are all the Women?
Published 12/07/19 by jking [0 Comments]

Feminism is fundamentally a war on femininity. Compared to a man, a woman by nature is more cautious, empathetic, gentle, and nurturing. These qualities are in line with her natural role as a mother. But the modern world does its best to encourage women to be aggressive, strong, and career oriented. The modern world teaches women that femininity is inferior, that women should strive to be men. So instead of having families, feminist women spend the prime of their life sitting in offices pushing paper and then raise cats in their 30s. This is especially true in major urban centers. These women do not look forward to, and are not prepared to, build a home or raise a family. This makes it very difficult for a man who is looking to have a family to find a suitable mate. But there are still normal women in the world, and here are some tips that may make the search a bit easier.

Religious women. Traditional female gender roles are part of the teachings of major religions, including fundamentalist Christianity, Islam, and Mormonism. These religions emphasize the importance of marriage, fidelity, and childbearing. Some of the women you find in these communities do not take their beliefs seriously, but many do. To have access to religious women you may have to convert to the religion yourself.

Women in feminine occupations. Women who work in feminine roles such as school teachers or nurses tend to still be in touch with their femininity. Their choice of jobs show that they are not trying to compete with men, but enjoy nurturing roles and like kids.

Foreign Women. The influence of feminism is uneven across the world. It’s very strong in the English speaking world, but relatively weak in countries such as Russia, Colombia, or Poland. In general, poorer countries tend to be more traditional and less under the influence of feminism. Women from these countries often still look forward to having a family.

Women Outside Big Cities. The rise of career women is first and foremost centered on major urban centers such as New York, Washington, or San Francisco. Finding a family-oriented woman in a major city is extremely difficult, but it is a bit easier in smaller cities or in towns. Women there are just culturally more open to having a family. These women often grow fat quickly though.

The Rise of Feminine Values
Published 11/29/19 by jking [0 Comments]

As Women have risen in influence in Western world, Women have also changed the world to reflect their own value structures. You won't hear many good things about masculine values such as Justice, Honor, Loyalty, or Truth. But you will hear about about inclusiveness, niceness, and fairness. Briefly below I'll note a few fundamental social changes from the rise in feminine values, and I'll talk more in-depth about them in turn later.

Feelings Over Truth

Do you tell your friends the hard truth, or do you tell them what they want to hear? Women tend to chose the latter because they view the relationship as more important than Truth. Men have always been more interested in Truth; Men pioneered science, which is fundamentally about understanding how physical reality works. Valuing feelings over Truth leads to all sorts of absurd outcomes. Political correctness is largely about forbidding anyone from saying something that could hurt someone's feelings. We all know how leftists tip-toe around minorities with all sorts of euphemisms in fear of offending them. The recent bans on "hate speech" are basically about making it a criminal offense to hurt anyone's feelings.

Inclusiveness Over Excellence

Today everyone gets participation trophies and there can be 10 people tied for valedictorian. Some minority groups get a bump in school admissions and job applications just to create more diverse environment. There are even universities getting rid of standardized tests because the tests get in the way of their diversity goals. There is no striving for excellence, no meritocracy. Men have always had to earn their position in society but women are born into their status. A woman's status is linked to her beauty and her family, both things she has no control over. Earning one's place is a foreign idea to women, who care primarily about no one having hurt feelings from being left out. Boys punish one another with fists, but girls exclaim "I'm not going to be your friend." Exclusion is what scares a woman.

Low Status Men Must Die

In the past couple decades the U.S. lost millions of manufacturing and mining jobs to cheap labor abroad. Yet there was barely any public concern other than brief mentions of some downsides in globalization. In the past couple decades the college graduation rate of women rose far above the college graduation rate of men. Yet all we hear about is how women are under represented in the sciences. A large and growing proportion of low status men are falling through the cracks of society, but no one seems to care. Mainstream media publications basically write off low status men as racists, red necks, and deplorables. Just as women despise betas, so a society led by feminine values also despises low status men.

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