2y ago  The Hub
Trollop Periodical


So you're coming to pick up the ladies with us, right? At the We Think Women are Wonderful and Would Like to Get to Know Them Better convention at Las Vegas


2y ago  The Hub
Trollop Periodical

@Antelope I'm not necessarily criticizing Alan Watts, just the fact that he brought @Zavss to tears.

Also, isn't Alan Watts basically Zen? If he quote Confucius, it's probably a mistake on his part, or incidental/coincidental.

But I'll stop talking about it because if memory serves right you hate philosophy talk.


2y ago  The Hub
Trollop Periodical

@Antelope to the incelmobile!


2y ago  The Hub
Trollop Periodical

@TiberiusBravo87 The trick is not to call it a RP gathering. Call it something else, like the We Think Women are Wonderful and Would Like to Get to Know Them Better convention.


@antelope @kloi

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