4y ago  The Beer Hall
Town Drunk

@Caldero You come here, shit up my place, and then expect some leniency in the one and only tribe in which I am expecting people to operate in good faith and not shit up my place.

You have an entire site to use, if you want to. Hit up /t/glogang or /t/thunderdome or anywhere that isn't the public square. Make a new tribe and post how much big bad @-Anteros- made you sad.

You have a nerve to try to use my words against me as if you've made some kind of point. You have zero point. Because here you are bitching like a little girl because you can't get your way. And instead of embracing it like a man and making your own tribe to do what you want, you are making enemies with the guy undertaking an entire platform to provide you with this opportunity.

You really think trying to smear my name is the way to get what you want? You suggest that I embrace censorship on a site where you're currently bitching at me and smearing my name? Are you fucking daft?

Here's the thing- I am not privy to the content that Anteros banned you for. I wasn't there when it happened, and I haven't asked him. But here's what I do know. Enough of you shit up my front page that I trust Anteros and I am staying the ban, hereby permanent because you annoy me.

Before you illiterate fucks go off about censorship, remember that it's one tribe being moderated and there are others. But rest assured your complete lack of gratitude and cooperation is noted. It greatly diminishes my desire to support such a site when the very people who could benefit from it are the people who try to tear it down.

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4y ago  The Beer Hall

@Ill_Will7 bye felicia

4y ago  The Beer Hall

@jwayne you misspelled "gaygang"

Easy mistake

4y ago  The Beer Hall

@jwayne shit, if I left you lot on there we would be the top male feminist site of 2020

The google nerds would reward us well for our criticism of The Red Pill subreddit and our collegiate level understanding of Marxism.

4y ago  The Beer Hall


The Public Square is moderated for Toxic Masculinity.


4y ago  The Beer Hall

@Caldero Sure, what ever you say little guy.

4y ago  The Hub

@Ill_Will7 Bitching is complaining too. Post it anywhere else, you can even make new tribes to complain.

First and last warning.

4y ago  The Beer Hall

@Shaka-Zulu or pissing on yourselves you poor babies.

4y ago  The Beer Hall

@Ill_Will7 The explanation department is closed due to COVID-19 or due to too many intellectually dishonest requests for explanation. In either case you can stick around and figure it out or not.

4y ago  The Beer Hall

@californiaBreeze you want to "swoop" me? Go start a fag tribe or something.

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