1y ago  The Hub


Im with you.

Like bedtime stories?

Fucked up, no hahah. One or twice. But I got creeped out on myself.

couldn't close with her

With her no. Generally on holidays. Ballpark number.

1y ago  The Hub

I was on salsa social (part only for learners and ppl dancing salsa).

I complimented guy on his skills. We got into a convo. At some point with slightest of hesitations he showed me how he trains at home when partner is not avail (didnt ask for status).

He got this sophisticated shop doll that he worked on and put "joints" where they belong and instead of legs he used office chair castors.

Pretty cool work and I can admit that it can work.to train plenty of moves (not all).

I hope he is not showing the same picture to any woman that would otherwise fuck him for skills. I can imagine creeper scenarios running trough her head.

I couldnt say that to him as that would be seen as attack on his ego. That part is sad actually.

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv as in WTF or bloody foreigners

1y ago  The Hub

#BlueMemoir #fieldreport

I remember that I came back from holidays where I couldnt manage to close this chick, she led me on a bit.

Then I have connected with her on Skype 1000s miles.away to read her some bulshit.

Sexd on holidays is/was so easy that even with being blue like.that I was able to total over 40

I cringe so much I better press post

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv GP which I think is called physician in US. I can't remember all details today but I had a sting in the middle, like lemon going in the wound. Didn't hurt much after 10min, only right after it happened. I was able to pound and finish.

Also few weeks later when I bled a lot it didn't hurt at all.

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv i was, heavily

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv in my book she is going to.

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv yes thats what I mean. So they dont get desensitized?

1y ago  The Hub


she told her mom she wouldn't fuck anyone else till med scho

But in her mind no one was below 2 digits, and then you turned up with this fucking expert game when she was at 9 and ready to become trad again

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv so its harder to arouse above mentioned?

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