Give me ALL of your Chad coins.
I was a forums dot reds slut during that. I was here at the time but missed it :(
I just wanted to make sure I didn't have a "senior moment" and post something I perhaps posted 2 years ago.
I don't think it's been posted before, but even if it has, it's OK as long as it's been at least 6 months.
@Lone_Ranger LMAO, were you on this site yet when the #HeightTranny came here seeking validation for having already gotten that surgery?
Holy fuck that was hilarious.
@Baron notice how the other two replies you received so far are making fun of you?
It's because this is a retarded question, and betrays a combination of insecurity and ignorance. I won't go that route this time.
1) gray hair is just a fact of life, and part of getting older.
2) as a man, gray hair can actually work in your favor. I have the salt and pepper look in my hair, but my face still looks young. I catch women ranging from teenagers through post-menopausal checking me out frequently.
3) what attracts women to men isn't the same as what attracts men to women. We generally value their youth, beauty, and fertility. They generally value our dominance and confidence/congruence.
4) if you're gray, bald, whatever, confidently owning it will be far more attractive than trying to hide it, as though you're ashamed of it. Nothing dries a pussy like a man who is insecure.
What should I do?
Stop worrying so much, and hit the fucking weights.
Read MoreWhile there's zero evidence that any woman quoted in there is slutty or a single mom or even unreasonable/entitled (it actually reads like a legit lament from their perspective), I think it lends itself well to a discussion of how feminism coupled with affirmative action keeping men down to help women up has led to this situation.
Agreed. We obviously don't want to stray too much from the central theme of the forum but it's useful sometimes to take more of a bird's eye view of things.
There are a lot of (particularly younger) women who haven't been run through by Chad and Tyrone and genuinely believe they want a good guy but, because of the effects of feminism on the wider culture, they either behave in a way that drives good men away without realizing that's what they're doing, or enough damage has been done for most men to conclude the juice and worth the squeeze and they've simply missed the boat due to being born too late to catch it.
It's unfortunate and ain't fair to them, but neither was it fair to all the young men born into a culture that hates and criticizes them simply for being what they are. The state of things ain't these women's fault but it is their responsibility. Men have set about fixing the problem in the only way we reasonably can - by simply walking away and starving the beast women set loose upon us. If women want to hasten that resolution it's on them to put the monster back in its cage.
Read More@Typo-MAGAshiv appears to be the same as I ran it through to test and appears to cut off the bottom too.
Sometimes munges things. I'm going to post the text version as well because sometimes people prefer it.
Google translate appears to do an excellent job of caching the page without significant distortion:
Thanks for the analysis on Rule 5. I'm going to post it tomorrow anyway. I just wanted to make sure I didn't have a "senior moment" and post something I perhaps posted 2 years ago.
@Typo-MAGAshiv When a state official cries “Climate Change” you can make a safe bet that they are hiding their responsibility for shit and detrimental policy.
When an average joe cries climate change, you can make a safe bet that they are ideologically aligned with shit and detrimental policy. You’d also be able to throw darts at their other ‘thoughts’ and ‘opinions’ and strike true every time.
It’s like when people call you racist. Obviously don’t get drawn into the accusations, it’s the topic being discussed they are trying to terminate.
There’s too much happening that disproves the fires as even remotely related to ‘climate change’ to give it the time of day.
Several people have been caught setting the current fires
I've seen lots of footage of hobos/vagrants/migrants doing this in recent years
Give me ALL of your Chad coins.