7y ago  The Hub

@Archwinger they're not creative with their bullshit. if they make an effort to announce something ideological or moral it's usually almost always the opposite.

7y ago  The Hub

@RedRum Women are great at lying if you're not watching them. They make perfect eye contact, their breath and tone of voice never falters, their behavior is perfectly normal. They believe what they're saying, or at least believe they're right to be saying it. The technical lying is perfect. You catch them behaving badly by watching them.

7y ago  The Hub

@SafeWordIsCommitment So sell bitcoin soon-ish, then buy it after it forks?

7y ago  The Hub

@Archwinger memes are the future

7y ago  The Hub

@blue_dover Someone should make a meme out of it and post it on Facebook. That's the only way idiots communicate nowadays.

7y ago  The Hub

The Wall Street bull is a symbol for a bull market -- a period of success, growth, and prosperity. And on women's day, the women have chosen a symbol for themselves:

A petulant, defiant child, standing in the way of success, growth, and prosperity.

This is EXACTLY how misogynists picture women, too!

Women are so stupid.

7y ago  The Hub

@Archwinger When women wear skimpy clothes, theyre only consenting 2 have chad, daquan, raymundo, ahkmed-the-terrorist, chadstein, & yuri chadzemov look. All else is eye-rape


Men must stand Bhind the blindside of 1way glass, lined up waiting 2B chosen 4 permission 2 exit the room & have the priveledge of glancing @ these angels

7y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool The real story has nothing to do with feminism. She has a movie coming out. And like all actresses, her tits and/or some juicy tabloid gossip come out just shortly before the movie comes out to increase her notoriety. Now more people will buy tickets to her movie, and people make money. Nobody gives a shit about feminism.

7y ago  The Hub
OG VAG tingler

@Archwinger She's wearing a lot of makeup in her interviews. Conforming to gender stereotypes isn't very feminist...

7y ago  The Hub

@blue_dover It's not objectification for her to pose in skimpy clothing for the purpose of looking sexy to onlookers. It's only objectification when you look at the pictures.

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