2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss Isn’t having emotional intelligence different from being emotional? I feel like I’m missing something here.

2y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv *What is EQ?

2y ago  The Hub


We understand the art of war.

…and also sunburn easily

2y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV congratulations

2y ago  The Hub

@Zavss you got some narrow-ass standards

2y ago  The Hub

Cat ownership is a red flag.

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2y ago  The Hub

@JoeyBlanks I wish I could say that I’ve never hit my mother, but we used to get into fist fights when I was a teenager, and my dad had to break us up. I moved out of my parents’ house as soon as I was 18 and graduated from high school. I rented out and dwelt in some crackheads’ literal closet in the worst part of the city, sold my cell phone, and lived on $25 worth of groceries a month until I left for college. It was rough going, and I learned some hard lessons real quick, but it was better than living with my parents at the time. The distance eventually helped our relationship to heal and become healthy again.

I have clinically diagnosed, well-managed type II bipolar disorder. It is not fun. The best thing I can recommend is, for now, apologize for hitting your mother, because it’s truly a juvenile reaction. If she has Type II (longer periods of mania/depression as opposed to the quick mood changes attributable to Type I), help her through her depressive disorder episodes when you can, because they’re a real challenge, and having someone be there for you during them makes a world of difference. Ask her what she needs if you notice she’s down, and encourage her to engage in self-care activities like showering or going for a walk. Hopefully when she’s in the shit-stirring mood later, she’ll remember your kindness.

When she’s manic, it’s best just to steer clear as much as possible, and remain stoic, as others have suggested. Read up on fogging; it might be helpful if unavoidable conflict arises. Start making a plan to move out ASAP— but make sure it’s a fully fleshed-out plan before you act on it. Don’t be like 18-yo me.

If you can’t escape the household just yet, hang in there. You said it yourself that you’ve dealt with it this long, and you can deal with it a while longer. Good luck man.

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2y ago  The Hub

@YourOwnDisaster whatever floats your goat, I guess

2y ago  The Hub

@YourOwnDisaster you have one peg; what do you need nine holes for?

2y ago  The Hub

@Apollo I was thinking the same thing. Seems like a wholly unproductive conversation

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