3y ago The Hub
@jprdl vetting is important for both men and women.
90 days. 3 months. No one can keep up a charade for more than 3 months, especially if you are really looking for the cracks, which you should. The mask will inevitably slip on day 91.
Everyone has goals for money and weight and family. Actions behind the goals matter more than the words.
The mom thing is definitely weird.
@Initial-Glove You don't need gay rules like 3 months unless you don't know why it's a gay rule already. Modern society is designed to allow people to cloak their dysfunction and ill intents behind architecture. If you remove that architecture then the people who rely on it will flail about finding ways to restore the protection from people knowing their character.
So take people into a variety of situations where they aren't in control. It helps to know how to edge lord people because the interesting things are occurring on the boundaries of one thing to the next, not in the middle.
I once had a sexy Belarusian girlfriend for some weeks who didn't like me. When she turned her face it went from a smile or neutral face to a scowl right as it was passing out of view. Until I had the skills to see what this relationship was, if I hadn't of seen the transition then I would have mistaken it all for something else.
Everything is revealed in the transitions from one thing to another. If your life is one big boring orthodoxy snooze fest then you're going to find a bunch of people in your life cloaked in that gayness as if it were something else. Shake it up and you'll find a bunch of crazy bitches, narcissists, maybe even a sociopath. They just love all of that fake gayness everywhere around them because they already need to be fake and cloaking themselves in order for people to not realize how malignant that they are. If you've noticed, they consider the unravelling of the PC cloak to be a existential threat.
4 minutes. That's all I need.
Read More3y ago The Hub
@destraht not everyone is as swift as you. Some ppl need every minute of 3 months bc they are easily fooled, easily swayed and get tingles and cant figure it out.
Most ppl dont want to know the bad/ the truth about someone they're """crushing""" on (lack of a better word).
Its not a gay rule. The situation is gay.
3y ago The Hub
@Mumisnotokay making you jump through hoops that she'd never dream of asking Chad to, giving you tasks she knows you'll fail aka expecting you to be a mind reader type stuff
expecting flowers, gifts and cash on a first date but never telling you that's what she wants, then she pouts all night. You're just supposed to magically know what she wants.
making you wait for sex or wait for some arbitrary date to take things to the next level.
- making you her errand boy, her ATM or her babysitter
Inconsiderate dumb shit like that
3y ago The Hub
@Kloi it's just kind of funny how they were so willing to die on that hill only to have it backfire so so badly.
I had a lib guy I was trying to kind of date for the past year. He got both shots so he wouldn't have to wear a mask at work and claimed to have "done the research".
I patted him on the shoulder and used a line I've veen waiting to use-- "oh, honey, you are the research".
Hasnt texted in 2 days lololol.