3y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine no cherry, don't marry. and now you know why. one way or the other, women who have been on the carousel will drive their man into literal insanity

3y ago  The Hub

@neo_ and now you know a way to identify them by their clothing =)

3y ago  The Hub

@no_name_user_me monk mode is an investment. and investment takes time to get results.

3y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine the redpill means to wake up to reality, and REALITY says that leggings aren't pants, they're underwear

3y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine clothes don't make the man, but clothes do make the woman.

3y ago  TheRedPill

@slutmagazine any girl who posts that much on instagram in clothes that tight, and in clothes that only exist from the ass and up is definitely a slut

3y ago  TheRedPill

@slutmagazine The instagram girl is a slut for sure. She probably tells herself that she isn't one just because she shows slightly less skin than the other THOTS on instagram, but she is still a slut.

Also, filter much? Ugh.

3y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine DING DING DING She's definitely a slut. Guys might give her a pass because 1. she's pretty (even though it looks like she uses filters like crazy) and 2. she isn't as slutty as the typical instagram THOT but she's still a slut through and through.

She's fishing for attention and showing off those legs like meat at a butcher's shop. The only thing keep her from showing her ass is the fact that she has none.

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