5y ago  The Hub

@PurpleFidgetMidget You think you can own women? You're fucking sick.

5y ago  The Hub

trp: tell us what we did wrong because we're innocent, it's about self-improvement and mastering relationship dynamics not degrading women

also trp: here's a guide to training bitches ... how to seize the minds and hearts of bitches and make them into your property

5y ago  The Hub

@PurpleFidgetMidget I got temp-banned at least once when I was new, and more recently by accident during a troll storm. The solution doesn't lie in passive-aggressive whining about it through other public channels. Own and fix your shit then communicate that fact via modmail.

5y ago  The Hub

@adam-l I'd agree if I didn't just get banned for expressing my opinion on there.

5y ago  The Hub

Heh, askreddit shadow deleted my comment about TRP. https://trp.red/t/1q6

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