4y ago  Stoicism

@TheStoicCrane You're absolutely right. I forgot to include that while not a Stoic himself, some of the concepts Watts talks about overlap with Stoicism. Thanks for pointing that out.

4y ago  Stoicism

I'm linking important Stoic resources and literature to the sidebar aka "Tribal Texts". If anyone has any reccommendations please comment with a URL.

4y ago  Stoicism

@dropkickPUA Since the big 3 have already been mentioned (Marcus, Seneca, & Epictetus), I'll go ahead and recommend Alan Watts. He was a modern philosopher (died in 1973) and master orator. His deep study of Christianity, Zen Buddhism, and many other religions allowed him to draw similarities and many interesting conclusions about the human condition and consciousness. His public lectures were usually packed and his weekly radio broadcast was widely popular. Luckily for us, many of his books and audio of his lectures can be found online. Also, "Alan Watts Chillstep" seems to be a particularly popular Youtube music genre.

4y ago  Stoicism

One of the greats.

4y ago  Development Updates

@TacticalNuke I like that idea. I got some pushback from other users on this very idea. I'm open to hearing pros and cons.

4y ago  Development Updates

@redpillschool I think a master feed for your tribes would be useful. Perhaps if it were integrated with the Daily Prescription so that it shows all the posts of people and tribes you follow?

4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool Configuration issue? You forgot a semicolon somewhere, didn't you?

4y ago  Stoicism

What is a Stoic? A Stoic is someone that no matter the circumstance or how they are feeling is able to take action. A Stoic is someone that is equally comfortable during times of hardship as they are during times of prosperity. A Stoic is someone that can never be broken. You see to me, Stoicism is the ultimate frame. Whether you are at peace on a beach, in a physical altercation, or trying to approach a woman, Stoicism has something for you.

As our tribe is still young, I would like to thank those of you that have already joined us and those that may join us still. Feel free to share any stoic resources/stories with your tribesmen and ask any questions you may have.

Regards, Tactical Nuke

4y ago  The 30 Day Challenge

@rockzombie2 My friend, I completely understand. I believe that being physically active on a regular basis is essential for every man's happiness. It will work wonders for you. That said, might I suggest a more balanced approach? Rather than trying to push yourself so hard physically, spend some of that time learning to overcome your anger directly as well. Some people find meditation a useful tool for that. Personally, I've found Stoicism to be invaluable. Regardless, learning to feel and let go of anger is something that will not only help you out of the anger phase but translate to other non Red Pill struggles as well.

4y ago  Stoicism

@CleverRaptor77 Thanks for sharing Raptor. Accepting the fact that death will one day come for us all is often the only motivation you need to push yourself through uncomfortable situations. Whether it's approaching, public speaking, or even stepping into the gym for the first time.

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