1y ago  The Hub

@DrClit wtf did that guy block me? Isnt he a college intellectual?

1y ago  The Hub

@DrClit and wha is trash?

1y ago  The Hub

Im not complaining about that by the way..

1y ago  The Hub

Wtf is with everyone on here holding out find a wife? [MaYBe theRes one out thERe].

There is no loyal woman. There just isn't.

1y ago  The Hub

@JCantell thats literally what shopify fanboys say to do

1y ago  The Hub


Other girls were literally looking at us like what the actual fuck are you with her for. It was great.

Careful assuming a room full of people are all thinking the same thing about you... or anything close to what you think they're thinking, or that they're even thinking of you at all in fact.

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv either way shes gone. Its not a huge deal. I was starting to get embarrassed being with her in public. Other girls were literally looking at us like what the actual fuck are you with her for. It was great. Flieting and shed get damn jealous. So she was in a way afraid of losing

1y ago  The Hub


dread didnt work on kine. She just fucked another of her fwb until i realized

Dread only works if she fears losing you.

If she doesn't give a shit, you'll never instill dread.

This brings us back to what I said previously:

If her immediate response to a slight withdrawal from you is to seek a new man, either she's a slut who would have cheated no matter what, or (more likely) you weren't high enough value in her eyes to be worth any effort.

In either of those two cases, you're better off without her and the advice stands.

1y ago  TheRedPill

@AlphaBetaCuck theres a few that are probably not what their personas are.

1y ago  The Hub

@Atrox dont pay for it.

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