4y ago  The Hub


a brothel/establishment to serve all the LGBTQ sexual needs to make a buck?!

Remember, without women to say NO, gay men don't need sexual strategy or money to get sex, making this more complex to monetize than heterosexuality. Oversaturated market, maybe buy a successful gay nightclub or sell rainbow swag on Etsy?

4y ago  The Hub

dirty laundry! How about...like a brothel/establishment to serve all the LGBTQ+Other's sexual needs to make a buck?! I'm about ready to start slingin "points"! This town and it's people are fuckin nasty! But driving a taxi has been a blast...cash-op business lol Gotta go scrub the lip-stick off my pecker though. Bootlegging ftw!!

4y ago  The Hub

Ms. Scorpio musn't like her Korn obsessed bf, cuz she was like "pisces?! omg, water horoscopes!" and touched my goddamned forearm, which I was expecting as soon as she started asking about me. "do you have a gf?" All I could do was smile. "she doesnt make you happy?" "can't stick to 1" I say. She's cute, but blonde. Damned city blondes!!!

4y ago  The Hub

Facefucking, man...it's becoming my thing. I need to find a couple gals that know how to make love to Cock&Ballz. Also, do you think social media is necessary to date in this day and age? I've missed out on snaps, fbs, &igs, but I prefer phone calls baby! I fuckin hate texting.

4y ago  The Hub

@nr368 if only I was that simple. and thx cap'n O.

4y ago  The Hub

I think I prefer blowjobs over sex...still working on figuring that one out. Sex is too labourious and messy!!

4y ago  The Hub

@bastenibba you resemble Mos Def!

4y ago  The Hub

@nr368 that's okay, she's a spitter. You know what we say about spitters...

4y ago  The Hub

@bastenibba howd you know "okimow" means chief?!?!? DEMON! WITIKO! I love how you have these pics handy

4y ago  The Hub

Gal from the other night told me she likes "how SKINNY you are, how tall you are, your BABY FACE" lmao I always knew I took after my mom, looks wise. I had already decided to grow a beard a while ago, despite having to combat some pretty bad eczema, but we'll see. Then, I'll be A Pasty-Baby-Faced-bearded-indian with 2 spirit names

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