4y ago  The Hub

A couple of days ago I thought about going to see my old therapist again. After some thought, I think I'm good. I'd rather try new things on my own than mimick what the rest of the world considers "personal growth." In other words, find ways to be stronger, specifically physically stronger.

4y ago  The Hub

@Redensign thanks for the sweet holiday card, glad to know you care

4y ago  The Hub

i want hos to treat me like a king. and call me one too. my next goal.

4y ago  Ask TRP

@ASilverCircle "maybe she wasn't lying" "that many guys" "let you know later" ???? you're already orbiting, giving her benefit of doubt, implying jealousy, doing all the heavy lifting. You might bang her but you still need to learn.

4y ago  Ask TRP

@ASilverCircle no reply is best. Medium is the message. Silence means 'you and your flakyness are not worth my reply.'

4y ago  The Hub

@Caldero screen capped for reference, thanks!

4y ago  The Hub

Yesterday I hit a nex max 185lb bench press x 3 reps. Button down shirts are getting too tight. Took me 4 years to get here, mostly just being lazy and inconsistent.

4y ago  Ask TRP

@own_chemical I was with my ex wife for about the same time. I know what you mean when you say "it's not sadness but it's the feeling of betrayal that bothers me." The thought of your ex will hang there in your mind, in your thoughts, no matter what. It's up to you how you respond. The best reaction is, I believe, is to live an interesting life. Sure, meet and fuck more women, but along with that, excel at what your current mission is. Meet new people regularly. Take up new hobbies. For a lot of men we're hung up on the women who left us because we got nothing else exciting going on in our lives.

4y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil Once I realized my 75 year old dad --first gen Asian immigrant, no less-- dressed better, I knew it was downhill for him.

4y ago  Ask TRP

@Mossb Go to a party or networking event alone. The first thing many people will ask is who do you know there. We are judged by our socioeconomic status, whether we like it or not, whether alpha or beta. It's particularly important to keep a vibrant, ambitious group of people close to you if you want to be a leading man, in sex, in business, in arts.

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