4y ago  The Man-Hood


There are masculine and feminine emotions - the best evidence of this is reading literature from far before the modern era. For example in the Iliad men are showing as being wily, stubborn, hot head, genius, stoic and finally pathetic (in the character of Paris). All of the main characters that the reader is supposed to admire are indifferent to physical pain (hector, achilles, herakles, etc) but are highly susceptible to being wounded by friends or women

If you read the poem "If" by rudyard kipling you will see the display of similar emotions and a total indifference to pain.

Finally, read the poem Ulysseus - the poem is a desire to go on more adventures despite the weakness of the body.

Mkdern society tells us there are no masculine emotions - only feminine ones and tries to transmute feminine emotions onto men

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4y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@hoit Interesting. She was hanging out with the most jacked dudes in the gym who aren't huge but look like callisthenics champions. I'm just real so-so right now from being completely offline for a while due to an ankle that was almost ripped off dangling by a withered strand of sinew (it felt like at least). Its probably what you described that she hamstered because I have sky high value from being a gringo and she hangs with the gym alphas (pathetically sitting). Whatever it is, its retarded. There is one fact that makes me want to leave this place running in some weeks. Having me smell bad involves a total of four people; her, gym owner, my girlfriend and me. The whole situation is middle school at best. Imagine the resources that bitches like this would commandeer if allowed to.

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4y ago  The Hub

@destraht I think most girls over 22 who haven't established a life where her positive interactions with men outnumber the negative interactions will develop antisocial ego investments in order to deal with not feeling safe and protected. All it takes for them to make this someone else's problem is seeing a threat to her little system she's developed. Bitchs be always scanning for the alpha. She was worried, or perhaps even hoping, that you would amog her bf. I've noticed that some girls will turn from friendly to cold and even bitchy if they think they're in your league and you don't make a move. It's either she's not hot as she thot, or you're a piece of shit who doesn't belong, so she goes with the latter.

4y ago  The Hub

@jwayne If enough middle-class and upper-class are ignorant enough to believe in peace, they can produce all the media with themes of peace and acceptance without any moral questioning of their doublethink, propagandizing via film, music, tv, internet made with obvious oversights. Middle and upper classies can just accept that violence only comes from anomolous, wrong-headed groups of people, who conveniently are so fucked up we can justify driving them to kill themselves by economic, social, and any other malleable institutions putting up fairly air tight barriers which prevent escape from traumatizing poverty, and perhaps eventually killing them; whereas the lower classes are deprived of even a useful vocabulary to discuss violence, redirected away from useful ideas of forming supportive families and being kind to people you interact with with logic of: if their life is so constantly painful, they must be bad and deserve it.

I'm trying to figure out if the promethean man and primordial man here are well-congurent, maybe not. I feel like trp usually frames morality as a blue pill control method, but the processes the primordial man goes through to see the truth do necessitate a healthly caution, which with time and pressure forms, effectively, morals.

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4y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@hoit They use guys like Tom Hanks for powerful movies because he is never going to have an outburst about shit that really matters.

4y ago  The Hub

@destraht I would have been skeptical of this if I hadnt seen his reactions to Ricky Gervais. Just seeing his contorted face there I thought, "he looks Spacey level gangster."

4y ago  The Hub

@xxxmersenne That may be a great perspective. Perhaps necessary for anyone who works hard to make their life better.

4y ago  Development Updates

On mobile I have to scroll to the end of a feed to find space to click out

4y ago  The Man-Hood

@CainPrice @CainPrice I've noticed that men in homophobic cultures are more affectionate and touchy-feely. It's muslims who you'll see holding hands, hugging. Men appreciate boundaries because they allow deeper focus/less wasted energy. When you live somewhere anti male, pro gay, pro tranny, it can be difficult to tell when a guy is being friendly and warm or if he's vibing with you because he wants some dickplay. Men are at least as emotional and sensitive as women, but learning to guard your public displays will usually pay off, because displaying emotion is almost always used as an opportunity for someone to set up covert contracts. A man or woman who listens to you whine gains leverage over you: firstly, they can take advantage of your increased familiarity (it's hard to say no to a polite request from someone who just listened to you vent), and secondly, they have dirt on you which they can use for social attacks to punish you should you not comply with their wishes. Women can be stoic too, perhaps just not in as extreme situations as men can. But women have many more protections than men, and men simply learn that nothing postive comes from dramatic displays; in the best case they are ignored and they feel the cold sting of indifference, at worst they lose social status and display their vulnerabilities for their enemies. Stoicism is a practical tool, and it works great, but not matter how good you are, there is always the desire to be seen truthfully and be understood. If this drive isn't taken care of via thoroughly vetted and established friends/brothers, that's how you end up getting drunk and oversharing with a stranger or a woman, leaving you at their mercy.

It's difficult to parse what cultural changes are haphazard and which are slyly implemented by oligarch funded think tanks, but our society's destruction and devaluing of tradition seems like pretty low hanging fruit for those who wish to cripple the lower classes. Men cannot form trusted bonds without being tested and seeing if they can rely on eachother. People are too charming and good at lying, you just can't know unless you develop you own ability to employ shit tests safely AND intensely. It's hard to guage a man's trustworthiness to a satisfactory degree without potentially getting into a fight without the structure and unity which used to be offered by traditional rights of passages. Individualism is pushed just as hard and is just as destructive as opiods.

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