4y ago  Ask TRP

@sampkprvr Like, don't say more than necessary?

4y ago  Development Updates

@redpillschool Is the project open-sourced? I can only contribute by coding.

4y ago  The Hub

Whenever I hear some woman complain.

4y ago  Ask TRP

@1jerome1 When it's not natural your head has this conscious thinking process where you are too self aware in your behaviors.

5y ago  The Hub

I still don't understand why guys in the manosphere put so much emphasis in a woman that can cook and clean. I mean, you could have maids for that, not much of a strong reason to make them live in your house. And if they started dictating how my house ought to be organized, that would piss me off even more.

5y ago  The Hub

@destraht Seems like you have parameters of what makes a good woman, in a sense that it's gonna benefit you. That's really good and it does make sense.

But I have cool and trustworthy friends really. It's that I don't really know what to expect in a woman besides good sex. Most guys in the manosphere talk a lot about cooking and cleaning but I could care less about that, there are maids for hire. It's just the effect of unplugging and blue pill dreams of finding a woman that is akin to your best friend.

5y ago  The Hub

@destraht I don't get what you mean.

5y ago  The Hub

After a bit of time being unplugged, I don't feel much anger, just so much disappointment. Disappointment that woman will have to be something less than a friend. Disappointment that they rarely share common interests. Disappointment that you can really discuss something interesting. Disappointment that you need to be always on your top game and can't take them too seriously. I mean, it's so hard to find someone you want to keep around besides for sex.

5y ago  Stoicism

@Dzire How that translates into latim?

5y ago  Ask TRP

@HitlerianRacialistPak Thanks, I'm trying to learn more about the city and be smart.

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