2y ago  The Hub

This website isn't edgy enough, despite all the arrogance.

2y ago  The Hub

@Scorpion69_ I rationalise not doing other things when I have the urge to fap. 'But I have to stay on my laptop to study', when I could just get up and take a cold shower, then go back to studying. Workouts would help, but my main excuses are 'I must save calories', 'my muscles must have a chance to recover' or 'but I'll ruin the consistency, I've already worked out today'.

2y ago  The Hub

My main rationalisation for porn is that other people do it, so why should it be such a big deal for me? I might feel like shit in the moment, but I know I'll recover from it because I always do. I may not be able to go 30 days without porn this month, but I can always try next month.. There's no rush and there's no hurry.

2y ago  The Hub

@Dr_Cockasaurus I'm using porn to not approach women as well and I know it. Everytime I start thinking about doing a cold approach, or I make some progress in learning game or the redpill, I think of 'this one girl that I like' and find pornstars that look like her. It's always the same process. I find it almost impossible to sit down with the thought of the woman and use my imagination. Porn killed my imagination.

I actually used this website to find names of pornstars when I was bored. I was just mindlessly scrolling and I felt helpless and numb inside as I was doing this. I escalated from searching Slut Quest, to see what it was out of curiosity, to watching Johnny Sinns bang some foreign chick I've never even heard of.

It seems pathetic now that I've put it into words.

2y ago  The Hub

@Dr_Cockasaurus I want to study law and maybe become a solicitor, but I don't really feel that passionate about it. I feel like I'm forcing myself to conform and be a certain way, but I know that my only other option would be to write a book or practice male prostitution that both seems unlikely.

I have hobbies. I study from home so I look after a kitten, I also practice spanish in my spare time and I work out. I was thinking of practicing the guitar, but I feel equally as unmotivated to do so. I don't like feeling as though I have a set future, I like doing what I want to when I want to. I can't really find my purpose through that though, so I end up jacking off or scrolling social media because of my inability to follow a plan.

2y ago  The Hub

@NeoSpartan If I would have majored in an INFP subject, I'd probably end up living off of my dad's income trying to write a book and become successful in a world where nobody cares. I'd never move out and I'd never progress because I'd just be trying the same thing, according to my personality type, only with different variations and then getting frustrated with myself. I have to become more logical and leaderlike to make it in this world and to make it in the field that I'm studying, which is Law. I should probably rephrase this as 'how do I break my psychological limitations', because I don't want to spend the next 20 years jacking off in father's basement. I want practical advice, rather than 'just do it'.

2y ago  The Hub

I'm addicted to porn. I actually busted one off today. I've been trying NoFap (with the prospect of having sex with females) for a while, but I keep slipping up and then cowering off from females because I don't have the confidence to talk to them afterwards (although I get IOIs from females regardless of whether I've fapped or not). People have asked me what my purpose is, but I have no idea at 19 years of age and I'm very restless to find out, I jump from thing to thing not knowing what I ought to be doing, skipping obligations to find that high. Then I go back to porn, because I don't even know myself.

2y ago  The Hub

How do I become a leader as an INFP personality type?

2y ago  The Hub


@Antelope In the movie, the Matrix is escapable.

What's the analog for us in real life?

Before you can combat evil, you must first be willing and able to see evil without hiding behind the lie of tolerance for it.

1999's "The Matrix" film is pure unadulterated logos and a good example as to why the elites work so hard to suppress and subvert Christianity. It summarized the situation of human existence into metaphors and symbols that even the simplest of minds could grasp. So much of an impact does the film have upon people who view it today that the films Polish descent creators were castrated and forced to dress as women in public as punishment for being unable to separate themselves from their Christian doctrinal roots despite their being members of the inner ring.

In order for the Red Pill to work, one must first understand that the red pill isn't just about women. The red pill is about seeking and understanding the truth, no matter the consequences, and always has been.

cc: @lipstickstraightjacket

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2y ago  The Hub

@lipstickstraightjacket Good question, I’m inclined to say yes, but only because of the direction most men set off in after they’ve taken the pill. We don’t escape from the matrix, we just know it’s rules better than most, and thus neoliberalism makes the most sense if you’re actually using the red pill toolset. Money, women, looks… it’s all very neoliberal slant.

I say this entirely without criticism as well.

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