5y ago  The Hub

@perrolo indeed

5y ago  The Hub

@SeasonedRP we always gotta do our due dilligence, as even a ripped guy can give shit advice.

A lot of advice on the Internet looks written by teens and for teens, even some in our very own trp.

Luckily, there's a culture here of calling things out quickly and seeing through a lot of nonsense.

5y ago  The Hub

@Rian_stone different mediums require different skills/approaches, and while writing is at the core of both, anons get more attention on the message, while pb add the context of the messenger.

This is neither good or bad, just different

Personal brands have higher risks and higher benefits if done right, as they are avrutinized more

5y ago  The Hub

@perrolo and why do you think that is?

5y ago  The Hub

One thing r/trp should have considered from r/fatpeoplehate was posting proof of not being a fatty/dyel. Many of the personal brands saying "lift" don't look like people who should be giving fitness advice.

Not to say one should be a bodybuilder to give fitness advice, but some things can only be learnt from experience.

5y ago  The Hub

Similar to how "video killed the radio stars", personal brands around the redpill have taken over anons. Funny how most who will find the Manosphere outside of Reddit won't even know about the subreddit.

5y ago  The Hub

NEW POST: Nobody Was Hand-Held To Enlightenment.

  • On transcending TRP and next steps afterwards.
  • Herds and tribes are not the same.


5y ago  The Hub

[New Post] Loneliness & Young Men. https://trp.red/t/1xw

A piece that isn't mine, but would be a loss if it weren't posted here.

5y ago  The Hub

Found this video in my Twitter corner from some account talking redpill truths about the APA guidelines, transgenderism and the war on masculinity. https://trp.red/t/1xc

I may post it in the subreddit with an excerpt: transgenderism is a form of hyper masculinity and autism.

Worth checking out.

5y ago  The Hub

The day I found out about sales funnels I inmediately thought of my dating experience to understand it.

I will write a post about how to use sales funnels as a heuristic to apply dating.

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