@Doodley-cro I usually get frustrated when they start flaking or not giving me time, I now follow a rule that if I have to actually work to meet someone they are just not interested. It's just better that you lose contact for a while and see for yourself that the person isn't interested. A person that wants to meet will make time for you.
@Doodley-cro abundance mentality is hard to start with, I too fail when I don't feel much abundance. I do try sometimes, just to see if the girl genuinely doesn't have time, it never turns out well and I end up frustrated. Honestly try what suits you and works for you, right now nexting and abundance mentality is what finally works for me
Having a bit of trouble reading 'Pimp' by Iceberg Slim. Funny how the main TRP ideas are clear cut. It has been a good recomendation.
8y ago The Hub
@perrolo Halfway through the audio book. It is clear that rap-culture owes Iceberg Slim some creds. The evolutionary psychology of his childhood was sadly predictable---I was waiting for the step-father to do something horrible to him psychologically and that was not long in waiting. Where was the Dummy for the step-father? Shiiit.
@-Anteros- being spanish some of the slang is a bit difficult to understand at times, but the core concepts are easy as Slim gives many examples.
@JohannesFactotum when he talks about his stepdad Henry it's really sad to read through. Rap and hip hop owe him all the pimp culture, I think Ice Cube owes his stage name to Iceberg Slim.
Today I would like to thank Pook. He doesn't get talked about much nowadays but the book of Pook was the one that started my RP journey. I started lifting seriously after one of Pook's stories. Today isn't the first time I've been approached, but it is the first time it has happened in the gym. Thank you Pook.