4y ago  The Hub

@Abaddon The perspective he is coming from is the same solipsistic perspective women use when they say they got raped or when they suddenly have/don't have a boyfriend. Which is why it seems like mental gymnastics and it is retarded.

4y ago  The Hub

@shitinhermouth23 Bit of selection bias you're experiencing. A precise search query to Google Scholar will yield one kind of results. A typical female general Google search string constructed like a conversational sentence brings some front page results that soft-pedal the risks.

4y ago  The Hub

@adam-l "but it's almost impossible to find that kind of info about older mothers" That's not even true. At all. It's regularly taught in medical school curriculum that advanced maternal age causes a plethora of morbidities, trisomy 21 being one of them. And there is A TON of data proving this. GTFO here with that nonsense and go do some reading instead of talking so much.


4y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil Teachers are allowed to teach. You're not going to have students learn calculus when they haven't properly been taught algebra. The high school math teacher doesn't have to publish a cutting edge paper on some theory, but they can do a good job educating their pupils and give them to tools to go out there and be the one to innovate.

4y ago  The Hub

@destraht "if Peterson knew how to fix the individual he wouldn't be slamming antidepressants while his daughters asshole gets slammed by herpes cocks."

As is a central theme of redpill, "don't listen to what they say, watch what they do."

Peterson pulled a Kim Kardashian and it worked for him. They both got relevant for something that nobody really remembers anymore (sex tape/compelled speech controversy) then used that relevancy to spin it into something completely unrelated to the original thing they got famous for in search of profits.

I fell for it myself but he is sophistry at it's finest point. A priest can be an intellectual and a thought provoking figure, but as long as he doesn't reject the church, he is still living within a bluepilled reality.

4y ago  The Hub

@shitinhermouth23 Before the institution of marriage, alimony and child support, women faced the extreme evolutionary burden of having a man's child and then being abandoned. They had to scam other men into providing, and so became expert crooks - even to the point of perfection, of being able to scam themselves.

Today, both their ex and society at large (i.e. the taxxed male population) supports her children, and rationally speaking she need not be a crook in order to manage. However, her nature of constantly trying to scam men out of their resources (their protection as well), has remained stable.

4y ago  The Hub

@adam-l If women didn't exist men would just sit around and play with their dicks all day. When it comes to nature, we are disposable. Women are much more valuable to the propagation of the species. As a result, they do what is best for them. And why its hard for men to stop protecting them is because it is in our nature to do so for the sake of the species.

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