1y ago  The Hub

@Lone_Ranger I think I did

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1y ago  The Hub

It's Friday! We all made it. TONIGHT IS #SPOOKYMOVIENIGHT!

Join us tonight at 10pm Eastern Time for a couple of obscure Sci-Fi B-Movies, featuring Fortress and Dollman!

Only at spookymovienight.com!

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv likewise, I'm happy to brutally bully people with "maga" in their handle post-2019

1 1
1y ago  The Hub

@spooky I'm ugly and I pull.

1y ago  The Hub

lookism nerds are the fuckin worst

1 2
1y ago  The Hub


I believe the exception is your buddies. That's why having real friends is so valuable.

1y ago  The Hub

@adam-l Like it or not, every human interaction is a power struggle. Always has been.

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1y ago  The Hub

@leftcircle42 you.. stop

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1y ago  The Hub


Just curious here, how many hours a day do you spend on the internet? Or video games/watching YouTube/tv/streaming. How much time, per day, do you spend in front of glowing screens?

1y ago  The Hub


  • Correct, enjoying the decline doesn't stop the decline. You know what else doesn't stop it? Posting online.

  • If you feel empty, you were never going to get fulfillment from "hedonism" anyway - and you shouldn't. You know what else doesn't fill that emptiness? Posting online.

  • TRP = sexual strategy. This site, the reddit it spawned from, etc. They're about sexual strategy. It's okay if it's a degenerate lifestyle to you. Much respect. But it doesn't change the explicit purpose of this community or the implication of enjoying the decline.

  • “When you come back"? You must have missed the "2012" part. I don't feel empty. I'm happy with my life, and it doesn't make me a normie or an NPC or subverted by the juice. I'm going to keep playing their game with their rules but, as much as possible, on my terms.
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