1y ago  The Hub


  • Correct, enjoying the decline doesn't stop the decline. You know what else doesn't stop it? Posting online.

  • If you feel empty, you were never going to get fulfillment from "hedonism" anyway - and you shouldn't. You know what else doesn't fill that emptiness? Posting online.

  • TRP = sexual strategy. This site, the reddit it spawned from, etc. They're about sexual strategy. It's okay if it's a degenerate lifestyle to you. Much respect. But it doesn't change the explicit purpose of this community or the implication of enjoying the decline.

  • “When you come back"? You must have missed the "2012" part. I don't feel empty. I'm happy with my life, and it doesn't make me a normie or an NPC or subverted by the juice. I'm going to keep playing their game with their rules but, as much as possible, on my terms.
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1y ago  The Hub

@Desaint gold coins.. a clover.. and alot of duct tape, brother

1y ago  The Hub


I'll probably repeat myself here:

It's about mindset as much as it is content. However, let's run with the content angle:

There's nothing from the golden age of TRP (that as far as I know is still "the sidebar") that isn't applicable today, even if it needs a little reshaping. Hell, some of it is more applicable... the catchphrase was originally "enjoy the decline" Shit, we've gained speed down said decline. TRP was always sexual strategy, and even in a world where the terminally online make everything politics, sexual strategy is apolitical.

It's talked about all the time? Where? I'd like to see where modern sexual marketplace dynamics, game, style, etc are discussed apolitically, without being shit like "who cares what you wear if you aren't 6'8" Chad with an XYZ jawline angle and hunter brows with 4% bodyfat you can't even get a 2/10 girl". I'd also like to see it outside of the context of "she saw my reply to her Instagram story but didn't reply back what's the alpha response" from asktrp. Seriously, I'm asking where. It'll give me stuff to peruse when I'm in the bathroom or at the airport.

Also, it's not for me, I'm barely on here, or any site/app for that matter. I don't need advice and I'm not going to be the change I want to see.. but I'm still going to voice my opinion.

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1y ago  The Hub

@spooky Oh shit Spooky speaks!

I think TRP.red is really the answer to this as the purpose of the red pill sphere has morphed from trading notes and generating a frame work about sexual dynamics. Nowadays, it's all common knowledge, but back then it was revolutionary, and difficult to find info.

Now it's basically front-page tik tok.

TRP.red I think takes up where that left off, as more of a community rather than a discussion board. It's more for comradery than it is information sharing.

It's a way to enjoy the decline with other like-minded individuals.

6 + 2
1y ago  The Hub

OLD MAN RANT TIME: I still come here to shill my movie night and don't really participate otherwise but I gotta say, I miss the "do this for yourself & enjoy the decline" era of this little corner of the internet.

You know, from 2012 up until 2016... when so many boards and communities and subcultures all decided they were tradcon christians. That itself was born of reactionary contrarianism because like a light switch (mostly due to the US presidential election - but was already swelling because of what used to be called sjw culture), mainstream culture swerved hard left and suddenly everything was all about politics, gender and race.

I imagine it's also partially because most of the people who were from the early TRP/manosphere got what we needed from eachother and got out - but the whiney shit about gender unfairness and degeneracy and shit, in my opinion, is just as beta as being a Marvel loving Bernie voting soy smiling three booster shots fuckin nerd.

Why? Because writing essays on the rotten corpse of a reddit board that died, RIP, seven years ago, about how degenerate and pozzed everything is doesn't do shit, you're not fixing anything and you're not "awakening" anyone, you're jerking eachother off. "Surely this giant about post-wall roasties still being flooded my male attention online will be the spark that ignites the flame that brings back the 1950s except without jews".

I know this post isn't saving the world either btw and before you start with the cope- no I'm not jewish, I'm probably more right wing than you, and I'm probably higher SMV than you if you're seething about my words.

That said, enjoy the decline. If you don't, someone else will in your place, and you'll be stuck socially crippled, terminally online, and still not getting any pussy or ahead in life. Because being edgy /pol/ man isn't getting you your 10/10 racist virgin tradwife who doesn't have social media, and it's definitely not saving the west - so maybe just focus on your own shit for a while, yeah?


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1y ago  The Hub

It's Friday! We all made it. TONIGHT IS #SPOOKYMOVIENIGHT!

Join us tonight at 10pm Eastern Time as we host a pair of Piper movies with They Live and Immortal Combat!

Only at spookymovienight.com!

1y ago  The Hub

@spooky It's spooky movie night!!!

1y ago  The Hub

It's Friday! We all made it. TONIGHT IS #SPOOKYMOVIENIGHT!

Join us tonight at 10pm Eastern Time as we dig through the vhs tape boxes in the basement of Spooky headquarters for some real nonsense! Featuring Neon Maniacs and Arena!

Only at spookymovienight.com!

1 2
1y ago  spooky movie night


Join us tonight at 10pm Eastern Time as we celebrate four years of Fridays with two of the very first SMN movies: The Blob and Phenomena! Don't miss it!

Only at spookymovienight.com!

1y ago  The Hub


Join us tonight at 10pm Eastern Time as we celebrate four years of Fridays with two of the very first SMN movies: The Blob and Phenomena! Don't miss it!

Only at spookymovienight.com!

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