3y ago  5th Generation War


My grandfather escaped the Soviet Union, and he can second that. In the beginning, his father told him, you say something in public, and you never see your family again. But then they got more creative. They paid your "friends (KGB Moles)" to say "that guy liked the nazis during the war. " And in Poland at that time, that was the worst thing you could say about somebody. You lost your job, your friends, and what little happiness you had left.

3y ago  The Dark Winter

@arakouzo Exactly. This also covers why the elites are pushing that agenda. There is a very good saying, "Papka Informacyjna," basically an easily digestible type of propaganda. They simply want the populace to be dull and complacent

3y ago  The Dark Winter

@destraht Luckily, you still have a year or two before this will come full force.

3y ago  The Dark Winter

@TiberiusBravo87 the thing is your location. Here in California, everybody around me is getting it. I'll probably have to to get a position at a good firm.

3y ago  The Dark Winter

@arakouzo Buy me a vodka, and I'll spout anything you tell me to

3y ago  The Hub


can you explain?

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3y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@sqerl I can't believe how many people will jump on the opportunity to "hurr durr me better than gubmint" type of stuff. It's so stupid, you are not smarter than the government, you just are not their priority. They will come for those folks eventually, just wait.

3y ago  The Hub


Yeah, that thing, I got suspended for posting a satirical greentext. Why the hell do they focus on that, and not the Amee Callenors that fester in the corners of that site. They can't call themselves "Anti-Evil" until they ban the sites that post grotesque child images onto other subreddits. Ex: r/AgainstHateSubreddits, r/AreTheStraightsOK, and many more

3 1
3y ago  The Hub

Sorry, the name is Aimee Chanellor, I just have a habit from Reddit

1 1
3y ago  The Hub

@Antelope OK, get it now

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