4y ago  The Hub

@DeGENZerate PM me about the ban. No promises here.

4y ago  The Hub

@adam-l Strength courage mastery honor discrimination, everything that matters in upholding a human collective but expressed differently depending on the context.

4y ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS The string shifted out of her cervix too much this is common she needs to have her doctor snip it shorter so it wont poke when you slide by

4y ago  The Hub

@Rollo-Tomassi One of the few things I like about you Rollo is that you are a nice guy. When you were attacked by others on the Red Pill you always turned the other cheek even when you disagreed. That was a nice thing to do, I mean that sincerely.

There are two types of people in this world those who have the killer instinct and those who do not have the killer instinct. Rollo the world needs nice guys just not here buddy.

4y ago  The Hub

@Rollo-Tomassi If you define healthy using evolutionary psychology, the logical basis of nearly everything you purport, then you are using the same reasoning the American Psychology Association (APA) uses to redefine trannies as normal with toxic masculinity being a legitimate mental disorder.

In other words you are essentially using toxic masculinity but marketing it to the Red Pill as the feminine imperative.

It's irrational to sell yourself to a Millenial GenZ audience as a red pill source when so clearly you crave the blue pill. Your "praxeology" is to flip around the blue pill for your advantage. You don't just enjoy the decline you are the decline. You should quit posting here before GenZ finishes off the remains of your brand.

4y ago  The Hub

Learning knowledge in college to work for an inc. is like eating protien from soy to bodybuild. It may contain all the protien you need to build your muscle but it isn't bioavailable and it can't be used to accomplish your objective. Popular opinion likes that you ate soy.

4y ago  The Hub

@LilStrasser Masculinity is largely contextual but there are a small number of traits that are universally masculine. When push comes to shove strength is required physically mentally and spiritually. Lack of physical strength in a community that is about lifting is a tell that you aren't strong in general. This makes the physically weak Red Piller the worst kind of feminine LARPing liar.

Someone like this isn't worth conversing with because it's a waste of everyone's time. The weak by definition do not accomplish anything truly significant. GLO is trying to accomplish something significant.

4y ago  The Hub

@itiswr1tten Traditionalism in the context we are using it is the Rene Guenon school followed by Evola. Conservatism in America is liberalism. It doesn't go back far enough into the past to conserve any sort of differentiated value structure.

Also if you're gonna tickle my butthole like that again make sure to say nohomo first.

4y ago  The Hub

@itiswr1tten No hes an actual traditionalist, philisophically, unlike this new TRP tradpill larping where you are a libertarian who doesnt lift or read enough to understand ideologically charged terms

4y ago  The Hub

@DeGENZerate Nope. I work out and look nicer than you. I'm also smarter and more successful. You're just a kid.

You read some world war era philosophy because a cool internet personality told you to. Now, you fantasize about moving somewhere completely foreign to you thinking that you'll be able to take a country by storm with your awesome money and education, find a traditional wife, and live happily ever after while the evil globalists quiver in their boots over the threat you represent.

When you finish school and get a job and move on with your life, you'll look back at your silly internet years and shake your head.

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