4y ago  The Hub


Psuedo-Christian, the time has come to say, Okay. You're monetizing, what's your price for fight? Being Mr. Right? [Sorry, that song parody just came out of fucking nowhere...]

If its YouTube and a pivot its about money and its purely the algorithm. Ego is the enemy and Rollo mayhaps have lost the pecunic battle and the pivot is merely the real-world A|B test of "shit, 've gotta eat." So much on YouTube is just utter trash, everyone is pissing in the wind and calling it rain. Sometimes it is. Mos'times it ain't. The Rational Male books need a do-over anyway, because concatenating together a history of forum posts is repetitive and hinders the signal just as monetization biases the signal. Let's not get fooled by randomness, it is low-effort content-aggregation that got lucky.

Reddit at least was good for the Manosphere in helping us find more signal with the law of large numbers. More people bitch'n is more experiments and evidence. Its no surprise that it got quarantined, humans don't like their biological/psychological defects attacked. Won't be the last and it wasn't the first. The private places men used to gather were demolished by politics or destroyed by accident or time, so we had to create them anew but now we have a faster network. I can write bits at you and you can write bits at me and neither of us will smell like cigar smoke and quality booze. The old places, well, they had cigars and quality booze, but they're were not efficient engines of self-improvement outside of the old-boy's overlay network.

Collect the evidence, shut up and multiply, publish without ego. Accept your lumps when you fuck up, land your accolades in fucks given. Rollo's ego is outed so unfortunately it makes it easy for all to paint the target and pile on.

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4y ago  Accountability

Gentlemen, how the fuck is life going for you?

Have you got your meal plans in order?

Do you actually have any meal plans? Why not? Put that greasy slice of pizza down and make something worth eating you fat fuck.

Hows your money? Spent it all on that pizza didn't you... Well, it's never too late to turn it around. Delete your Uber Eats or Deliveroo or whateverthefuck and start putting that money to the side.

Hows your hobby going? Aced that solo yet? Finished that chapter? Perfected that beat? Stop jerking it to that attention seeking whore and get back to your god damned mission.

Studies going well? Whens that essay due in? Tomorrow? You better get writing my dude. Take your studies seriously, it's going to be the only thing that saves you from a life of flipping burgers (Trust me.)

Seriously guys, take all of your shit seriously. Be productive. Hit us up with your ideas and progress.

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4y ago  Accountability

Alright then, so - first off let me apologise for not engaging with you all over the last week. That's my bad and something I'll try and do better at going forward.

Looking back on the last week, I spoke to two women outside of my usual social pool. One, a woman selling me my new smart watch. The other, a woman that works in the same building as me. Both had a context that allowed me to engage them in conversation, and in both cases opportunities arose for me to steer the conversation away from the expected (The sell, and the work.) In both instances the women were reciprocal to me guiding the conversation, which I did with confidence and intent. While the goal was 10 women, and I only spoke to two (and I even feel like the context of these 'approaches' made it easier for me) I managed to overcome the stress of my social anxiety. So, that at least is a step in the right direction. I also spoke to some guys that I work with and arranged to hang out outside of work, another middle finger to my social anxiety. So that's my progress for the week. I didn't get close to hitting the weeks goal - but for anyone else that didn't, I want to stress that this tribe is for the benefit of working on ourselves together. It means admitting that you didn't hit those goals, or even attempt them and then making better progress next week. It's that simple.

So, with that said - how did you all do? Give us a run down on any approaches you made, or any progress you made for yourself in general. Did you take part in the weekends preparation? If not, it's never too late to improve yourself in any minor or major way.

So, with our confidence reinforced and then checked we should have some idea of where we stand with ourselves. If you found that you approached women easily, keep on doing that. If not, keep on doing it anyway. Now, let's look towards next week!

A big thing I've been thinking about is money. Sure, last weekend we went out and splashed a bit of money on ourselves, but we can't do that every week. So for this week, I'm going to give us all something to chew on. What are we worth to ourselves? Think about your job. How much do they pay you? Are you happy with that? If not - I want you to look at job advertisements for jobs you do want, and that will pay you what you deserve.

WARNING: This is not an encouragement to quit your job then look for a new one.

If you find something that turns your head, apply for it. If you think you're due a pay rise or a promotion, ask to talk to your boss and find a way to table the demand.

If you don't have a job at the moment, I want you to try and find one, or another way to make income.

If you're self employed or otherwise content with your position, that's great - your challenge for the week is to take a critical look at your expenditures and consider whether you're saving enough for the future and any unforeseen circumstances. Have you got a savings account? Time to make one and start putting money across.

Thats it! This week is all about how we value ourselves and making the most of monetising our time. Don't sell your time to the lowest bidder, sell it to the highest.

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4y ago  Accountability
4y ago  Accountability

@Laxman14 yeah for sure, the OYS thing is pretty much what I would like people to be doing straight away.

By setting goals that look attainable to people and opening a discussion on what is/isn

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