5mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing

@MentORPHEUS One of those songs that immediately makes me think of Karl Pilkington's "Songs of Phrase".


1 2
5mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing

1961 depiction of ASD, when the first Boomers were coming of dating age.


1 1
5mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing

Meant to include, the video accompaniment is a contemporary fan-made compilation.

5mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing

Here's an interesting pop culture relic for the day. In 1989 Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys recorded this song praising Smart Girls, which was co-written by his grifter-psychologist and that guy's GF (around the time his license to practice Psychology in California got taken away).

I heard the song played on the Dr. Demento show when it was new, with Wilson live in-studio as a guest. Wilson was a hot mess psychologically, and more than once Dr. Demento had to deftly redirect him when he started down a maundering path of "Lotta problems..."

The song has Brian reflecting on the shallow female characters in classic Beach Boys songs, and virtue signals a newfound appreciation for women who are smart over hot. As such, it presents a Gordian Knot of Blue Pill pop culture tropes and ideals and unwittingly shows the "shallow" songs as more true to the SMP as it exists; kind of a crude unwitting Red Pill. In real life, most girls DO behave with, and feel attraction according toward silly and superficial factors, not from depth of character and intelligence and careful planning and goal-orientation.

As for the production values, in the late 80s digital sampling was still in its infancy and fit for little more than novelty effects. Syncing up production music samples for timing, tempo, and pitch was still a matter of art and technical skill.


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6mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing


Wow. Good find!

This album is "modern" but old as dirt.

Nothing's new under the sun after all.

6mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing

Lest Red Pillers think "Normies blanking out important world events and substituting fictional characters and fantasy as a cope" is new this generation, here's a take on it from nearly 50 years ago. Excerpt:

Let's skip the news boy, I'll make some tea The Arabs and the Jews boy, too much for me They get me confused boy, puts me off to sleep And the thing I hate, oh Lord Is staying up late, to watch some debate on some nation's fate


1 2 1,000 fcks
7mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing

@MentORPHEUS good lord - apart from anything else - the quality of her vocals is off the charts. None of those current 20 something breathless wonders can hold a candle to her. Lady Gaga and Billie Eilish seem like talentless nobodies next to her.

100 fcks
7mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing

Adding this for the humor value. It's a parody of the whiny love song "Alone again, naturally" from the heyday of the Rocky movie franchise, in which an AFC struggles with the fact his GF was Alpha Widowed by a fictional character.


2 1,000 fcks
7mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing

Lest young'uns think women falling for bad boys is a modern phenomenon, here's a 60 year old hit song that's a first person account of getting Alpha Widowed by one in a literal sense.


1 2 1,000 fcks
8mo ago  Red Pill Foreshadowing


I looked it up.

Smh sluts think they are complimenting a man by calling him marriage material.

What an insult

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