3y ago TheRedPill
@thesun i’ve been going low weight and whatnot. trying to do deadlifts/squats w/o the barbell atm
3y ago The Hub
@Kloi diet is clean as fuck all organic everything. hella fish, hella veggies, and lean turkey breast every day. sleep schedule is 6-8hrs a night and pretty consistent (go to bed same time wake up same time mostly). lifting routine has been ass due to surgery but i’m getting back into it slowly but surely
2y ago The Hub
@carnold03 lol i posted that i was looking for one of them fake vax records w the cdc database input and like 4 sluts i was talking to all blocked me
lol i posted that i was looking for one of them fake vax records w the cdc database input and like 4 sluts i was talking to all blocked me
2y ago The Hub
@Apollo it’s def not a necessity but it is a nice touch and never buy a watch at market value; go through an AD and pay retail. if you buy the right watch it’ll be worth way more than you spent. i spent 9700 on my sub n it’s going for 18-20k rn; spent 13k on my dj also going for 18-20k, and i’m ab to spend 10k on a pepsi that goes for 25-30k lol. in case of emergency just sell it
2y ago The Hub
@Aging-Chad that’s actually an interesting take. watch is by no means a necessity but if you pick the right ones they’ll have higher market value (ie my sub is worth double, my dj is almost worth double)