1y ago  higher calibur discussion

If you believe your life is getting worse every year it's not by accident it's on purpose. This is a process that started all the way back at the enclosure movement which took away land from the peasants and into the hands of private property owners. You could say this was the beginning of what people call capitalism today. People have always exchanged goods and services with each other but that doesn't mean they got to become as powerful as total dictators inside their own property and trample over everyone with their money. Even kings didn't have that kind of power inside their own country. If you are like most people today and believe otherwise it's because you have been brought up to believe it. Education and propaganda overlap all the way through high school and like a certain not so illustrious academic on here shows it's something that reaches into the universities. Most of history is propaganda. You can't even figure out what happens today because it's mostly lies. You know to blame the media and the people who are rich and powerful today but you think that somehow the founding fathers and great branding by the way are somehow exceptions to this rule? The constitution was written to advance their economic interests and the rights in the bill of rights were amendments aka added to the original document. If that doesn't tell you that it these rights and liberties was an after thought and freedom was just a slogan I'm not sure what will. People say that they were the wisest people of all time. Then why did they disagree so much with each other and why did Jefferson say that the constitution should be changed every twenty years, why did they split into two parties right after Washington retired? If you can't see the contradictions in these ideas it's probably already too late for you. So democracy is a way to get people to think they have power but it's really all about the illusion. You know who is in control. It's the same as it always is it's the guys with the money. At least with kings it's obvious who has the responsibility and who to overthrow. When you've got three branches that don't really do their job and never really have and never will then you can hide what's really going on with a lot of smoke and mirrors. Blame the Republicans one decade and blame the Democrats the other. You're just going left right left right until you march towards your own demise. Meanwhile you worship the very things that put you under their control and oppress you. People are taught to hate and laugh at kings just like women are taught to hate and laugh at their husbands and other men and children are taught to laugh at their parents like Plato pointed out so long ago because what you are taught is to fear all forms of authority except your own power and that's how the invisible forces control you because anyone who could have been a help to you you now distrust. So if you are against feminism but you still think that monarchy is a bad idea you're a hypocrite and you deserve all the marriage and dating problems you have today. Things come in packages and you can't have what you want to maximize your own power and demand that everyone else falls in line. That's called being a tyrant and we're all raised to be that way. We've got people here who want their women to do what they say but would never do that for their own parents or for a king but might do it for a made up version of God that exists only in their head because they are very selective about their holy texts. Or worse their real religion is their political system but they can't admit it. Liberals and conservatives come full circle don't they? They break down the family and the quality of your life and pretend that refrigerators and computers and internet porn somehow compensate for the fact that your life has no meaning and your family is completely destroyed and you're constantly agitated miserable and depressed all the time. Then you are taught to blame yourself for not feeling happy about it, and to tell yourself that you have a so called loser's mentality if you dare so called complain about it and you aren't feeling happy and optimistic all the time. That's the true loser mentality though. You're like the stupid horse in Animal Farm. I'm going to laugh when they profit off of your corpse too.

The only reason why your country was so successful in the past was because they were better at violence than the rest and they took over all this land and used it to continue the same cycle. Meanwhile your inner life deteriorated until you can't even raise enough of an army from your own people and that was the beginning of the decline of your might but the real decline started centuries before that point. Which country am I talking about? Was it a republic or an empire, was it in the last two hundred years or two thousand years ago in the past? You can't even tell can you! But if you have a sneaking suspicion that I'm talking about your country and your people, then you know how awful you are deep down inside. I'm not the one saying it! Like Jesus said in Matthew, you have said so. It's you who are accusing your country, not me.

I see a lot of word games being played by the stupider people here. I've seen people claim that democracy isn't really a democracy or the old line of we're a republic not a democracy and that the only two choices are between capitalism and communism and there was never anything else. Lots of ignorance here and a lot of inability to think about definitions carefully and be logical. Then there is the bias. Everything that goes wrong in their republic is because of the bad guys who don't count, and everything that goes right is unique to them. It's totally delusional and self serving bias. Pretending that monarchies have more frequent civil wars than democracies by cherry picking examples. It's sad. It's just as hypocritical and self delusional as someone blocking me and then reading what I have to say anyway. Salivate away you know deep down inside I'm right and you're wrong and that's what drives you crazy. Otherwise you would just ignore it. I ignore women who think they're beautiful but are a 6 out of 10 all the time because I know they're delusional. So why are you still here reading this? Sad!

@TiberiusBravo87 @redpillschool @Apollo @destraht @Antelope

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1y ago  higher calibur discussion

@redpillschool Yeah I guess only the good old Western nations can figure out how to have stable first world economies. No of course they don't ever screw around with anybody else why would they when they're so resource rich in the first place? And even if they did screw around with the people of other countries, they would never do the same thing to the people back home, would they?

It can't happen here!

1y ago  higher calibur discussion

@slutmagazine makes you wonder how Venezuela ended up such a shit hole...

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1y ago  higher calibur discussion

Does anybody notice how the two places loaded with oil but are still independent are suddenly destabilized? Hm, what a strange coincidence that these two independent oil exporters are suddenly having problems.

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1y ago  higher calibur discussion

This is where all the smart people on this forum contribute their ideas.

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