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Bad Boy Programmer
Journey of a Bad Boy
Game for Confused Beginners (Part 2)
Published 10/02/18 by BadBoyProgrammer [1 Comments]

Game for Confused Beginners (Part 2)

Lessons in Game from a Bad Boy

You have just met a spoiled girl. She is educated, has high status friends, her own apartment and loving parents supporting her. Her interests include fine dining, wine tasting and movie nights. You are a poor schmuck. Did not even finish high school. Your interests include something like programming and snail watching.

You go on your first date together. What do you do?

You take her to a dump. Go to the cheapest fast food place in town. Preferably one located in a dark scary alley. You order one milkshake for yourself and you just relax.

You might be a lowlife with low social status. You do have values. In this case you value milkshakes. You value milkshakes more then impressing spoiled girls.

This high status girl is used to get everything she wants. First she got dolls and ponies from her parents. Then guys started to give her free rides. And she is expecting you to do the same.

Instead you take her to a dump and let her boil. No free rides from you! You have your milkshake. You are happy. Life is good. Perhaps she likes a milkshake too. Perhaps not.

Or you can do what all those other guys do. Take her out for a wine tasting. Attempt to impress her with your sophistication. Tell a witty story about your chalet in the south of France.

Bonus tips

Meetup at a fancy place. Go to your dump sites often. Meet the owners. Offer her a chance to buy her own milkshake. Sit on a couch or bench preferably. Have her stand while you sit.


Field tested, requires an IDNGAF attitude. Not for sensitive guys. Fun to do.

Tip BadBoyProgrammer for their post.
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Comment by SaladLover69 on 10/04/18 05:34am

I like this attitude. I think humor is one of the defining characteristics of game. The more it seems like a joke to you the better.


A simple perspective on gaming girls and red pill thinking from a guy living in a large European city.

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