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TRP.RED New User Beta FAQ?
Published 09/22/15 by trpbot [0 Comments]

Welcome to TRP.RED, a brand new website currently in beta, developed by the creators of theredpill subreddit.

We have been working long and hard on backup forums in case reddit shuts down theredpill's subreddit, but in doing so, we also developed an entire website and social network for blogs and a status feed.

Our forums (located at forums.red) will not be unlocked unless reddit shuts down the subreddit. But in the mean time, we are planning on launching the sister site trp.red very soon.

So what's going on?

We're nearing completion on our new system, including a status feed (much like twitter) to keep users up to date, and a complete user-blog system, from which our curator team will be choosing blog posts for our featured curated blogs.

We're getting very close to unveiling these features to the greater public, but first we need your help:

We will want to start filling up the main feed with tidbits and start launching blogs now so that we have content at launch. This will be getting exposure to 130,000 people when we launch.

You are welcome to post any statuses you'd like, blog posts, links to your own offsite blogs, pimp stuff you like, or just tidbits or quotes you find fascinating- much like you would on twitter. Please see this FAQ for content guidelines.

Please make sure you've registered an account. If you haven't done so, here is the link:


To log in and start using features:


The beta password is letmein

Click here for a FAQ on what sort of content we're looking for.

We will be going forward very soon, so please do contact me ASAP.


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