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faggotbrains's Blog
To be patient and to endure
Published 10/04/16 by faggotbrains [0 Comments]

You will get what you deserve.

Even if it is not what you want. Every quiet moment you spend makes you stronger. Everytime you smile over your pain you get stronger.

Stronger to deal with pain. Stronger to deal with obstacles that might come your way.

It is a test of your patience. A test of persistence. A test of strong will and to see things through.

Just keep your mouth shut and do.

Do what is needed and what is required from you to reach your life's calling.

Everyone used you for their ego satisfaction and you can do nothing but feel resent for the ones who didn't guide you properly.

All you wanted to do was to get them off your back to life a free life.

It is not my fault that I am here but I am here for a purpose.

A purpose bigger than me.

A purpose to fulfill. I don't know what it is but I shall not complain, whine or bitch.

Endure it & you will know peace.

You will die but it will not happen before you have given what the world wants from you.

I am hanging by just a thread that is my heartbeat and it shall end soon.

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