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The Thief of Souls
Come to the red side
Turn everything you touch into gold
Published 03/06/16 by furanimarum [0 Comments]

tl;dr Do better than expected of you and people will see you.

In life we have three groups of people:

  • people who underperform

Their either suck at their job or simply don't care to be good at it. They work for a pay check and if they can get away with being a shit worker, they will be a shit worker. No future. You don't want to be here.

  • people who perform well

They are okay. They do exactly as we would like them to. This is the mechanic who repairs your car on time or the taxi driver who doesn't kill you. You expect them do do something and they do it well, but nothing extra. They will probably keep doing the same job for years.

  • people who are superior

This is where you should be. Not only do they do their job well, they do it so well, that you go: "Damn, he is real good". Doesn't matter if they work at Mcdonalds or they drive a taxi - they amaze you. They do something, which you don't expect. They make your day, have clever little ideas, they are better, than you thought they would be. Think of a cashier so positive, that he made a lasting impression on you. Or a guy on ebay who slips little thank-you notes with uplifting quotes on them to things he sells. You didn't pay for it. It's extra.

This is where you should be. You won't get promoted if all you do is being good at your job. Being just good. You will stay in the same place, god only knows for how long. You need to be better to progress. Turn everything you touch into gold and you can be sure as heck people will notice.

The idea is: whatever you do, be superior at it. Deliver more than is expected and what you touch will turn into gold.

Tip furanimarum for their post.
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I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

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