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Hooker Quest
Published 10/25/16 by Aphoc [0 Comments]

At one point in time, life came to be

- which evolved.

Simple behaviour was developed, if something hurt, an organism changed its actions.

Even later, creatures were born with the ability to feel good. The things that made it feel good, were things that kept life going or increased the chance of offspring. Food, keeping warmth, sex even the need for sunlight. Triggered dopamine. Making organisms seek more of it.

We’re born with a feedback loop that induces reward and punishment in order to change our behavior.

Feeling good, insured survival.

Ladies and gentlemen, the secret sauce - the meaning of life.

Feel good.

And by the curse of foresight - live knowing you’re going to die.

Embrace it.

The fear of death is a understandable fear, but also the most ridiculous one.

We die everyday

Cells change - yes even the ones in your brain. The you from just a few years ago is dead.

You have died many times.

It’s just another feedback loop, death. The idea that death is the end of your existence, although that have happened many times.

You’re just still turned on, still active. Plugged In.

Embrace it.

Sweet dreams my sweet prince

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