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The Mr. X Files
My mind's radar has reached a new level of heightening.
Published 06/09/17 by M1ster_x [0 Comments]

I'm sure you've heard of "heightened states of awareness" before. This is kind of like that what I'm about to try to describe, but obviously not. TRP hasn't afforded me any superpowers, but I do find myself being so much more analytical in my head about people.

I'll see some woman in a tight red dress and heels, face all done up with make up and be thinking all at once how she's obviously looking for some kind of male attention but will blatantly dismiss her base instincts of wanting to attract men with some contrite statement like "she's just expressing herself".

Or a guy at the gym who's in great physical shape and just thinking in my head, does he consider himself good looking now? He's got the look of a Chad but does he believe he could pull any woman he wanted? (Side note: I was at a seminar held by Todd Valentine and there was one guy there who was easily training for a long time; great, fit body. Why would he need to be there?)

Perhaps it's the constant reading that's got my mind on an analytical overload here. I happen to be in Monk Mode right now, and halfway through Robert Greene's "Mastery", with "48 Laws Of Power" to follow. It's been a long time since my brain's been as active as it is now, and it's following the Red Pill doctrine that's the cause of it. I'm seeing the world through a new lens, and the people in it as well.

In "Mastery", Greene describes this kind of detachment as something you need to increase your social intelligence. It's empathy on steroids, and I'm becoming cognitively aware that it's happening.

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