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Steelpen's point
The blindspot of worldviews. Power and it's pursuit is solely what exists.
Published 09/08/17 by steelpen [0 Comments]

In my understanding of the world, there is but one truth, one ideal that can be measured.


I define power as the ability to influence other men and women, by means of violence, in all forms, in a way that significantly, affects their self-fulfillment, and by extension their own dimensions of influence.

Power is the only ideal, that serves it’s own purpose. Freedom, justice, equality, divinity and all the other values, which yields authority and existence to power. All other ideals, are merely tools of the trade of power. Values of abstract concepts, that give power it’s strength, validity, and direction.

How does this relate to my world view and acceptance of the TRP philosophy?

If a person accepts the above, then by consequence, all world views, are a reflection of a strategy to further one’s self-interest. A person’s self-interest, has multiple, layers, from the individual, family and in groups.

It is my world view, that the notion of a moral world view is a fallacy. That there is no such thing, as a superior world view, to another, but only a world view that supports a party's interests or doesn’t.

Nothing is more irritating than the deceitful practice of hiding one's claim to power, of hiding one's interests in the view of morality, of justice,truth and other noble ideals. Once it becomes evident, that self-interest, and power is the universal truth, all other world-views, lose their potency.

I am still digesting this concept and its implications, which have been expressed by the post-modernists succinctly.

All that is left in my mind, is that for power to exist, and flourish you need strong tools, good justifications. The ultimate of them, being in the common good of all things, which most ideals stake a claim to.

I accept that TRP and red pill philosophy are better for the common good of the people, of the world. That TRP announces a declaration, of harmony with the sexes natural inclinations.

What is proving difficult, is unashamedly, making declarations of self-interest, at the expense, of other’s. It’s a tough world, and yet, I was raised to be so soft. I struggle with articulating, my self-interest, in a way that proves to be moral, for those it threatens. That in some way can appease them, in the same fashion that feminism does, with it’s promise of increased sexual partnerships for successful men.

That is the signature, of a world-view that is well tooled, it offers an enticing proposition to those it threatens most.

I can't shake the feeling that even in this post, and my world view, in general, something is lacking. I don't know what it is, but I think something is off, or is that the feeling of someone who is forever in search of something better?

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