1y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV enjoy your shrunken testicles.

Have some vcards.

1y ago  The Hub



Watching this video legit made me sob and wail and cry. Any would-be psychologists who want to lend their opinion as to why this made me cry?

No clue, but this does definitely provoke the feels.

3 1
1y ago  The Hub


@Antelope I feel like if I never found the red pill back in highschool, I would have been able to have lived a normal life. College, wife, divorce in 10 years. Would have been better than being stuck half in the matrix, half out.

cc: @chadinthemaking69

1y ago  The Hub


Why not just eat food entirely, no protein shakes, no MREs?

  • it's difficult to costume enough protein in food alone to sustain muscle growth, especially if you're a smaller guy.

  • immediately post-workout, you want whey protein or whey protein isolate. It's rapidly digested and used for muscle repair. Consume it with dates, raisins, berries, and other fruits to spike your insulin (about the only time you want to do that) to further stimulate muscle growth, as well as get some antioxidants. Steak, chicken, etc is for later. If you eat the slower-digesting protein immediately post-workout, you miss out on optimal growth and recovery. I mean, you won't die or anything, but whey is better at that moment.

  • MREs fucking suck. We only ate them when we had to. Their nutrition is terrible, they taste mostly terrible, and most of them will clog you up (no fiber).
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2 1
1y ago  The Hub


as I remember Star Wars, those of the dark side had much more power over those of the light. Never forget that it was ANAKIN who was the chosen one.

Palpatine did nothing wrong.

cc: @Problematic_Browser @TiberiusBravo87

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