7y ago  The Hub

Guys can't get over oneitis because they're in denial about their subconscious idealistic dream that one day her feelings would change for them. Best way to end this is to ensure the dream can never happen. Writing love letters or being "vulnerable" about your feelings work great. She'll be so repulsed by weakness you will have 0 chance

7y ago  The Hub

Soon I hope women will finally be accepted as the more dangerous but still weaker sex. Like how some female insects kill their mates. Dangerous in that they prey and survive by feeding off of submissive men. Weaker in that they obviously lack all capacity to respect logic, truth, or something other than their child's and own wellbeing

7y ago  The Hub

Women exploit mans desire for romantic love like a wise man exploits a woman's need for emotional validation. The difference is in the scope of damage. Man teases and stays distant to create playful and temporary dramatic anxiety, but women have no regrets ripping out a guys entire ego, shitting on it, and replacing it with a better one

7y ago  The Hub
7y ago  The Hub

@Bancroft Take it easy, champ. Rollo is the father of the manosphere.

7y ago  The Hub

@Bancroft You cant get up in Rollo's grill to trash his writing and call him a girl only to back down cuz some gym bro shamed you. Where's the conviction?

7y ago  The Hub

@GayLubeOil youre right. I'm out of line. I'll shut up now

7y ago  The Hub

@Rollo-Tomassi after all. We can all agree your ideas are fucking genius, yep beats me, but your style grammar and delivery is a fucking illogical mess like how a woman would write. All of us are thinkin this idea but Im man enough to say it aloud

7y ago  The Hub

@Rollo-Tomassi It'd be funny if all this time the actual Rollo is a woman writer. And her husband is the face she uses to get her message across

7y ago  The Hub

@Rollo-Tomassi knew it. Like a woman you avoid answering my real question and change the topic. If you're scared of your identity that is perfectly fine. Just say you are scared. At least I'm honest. You're an imaginary Internet guy. Get real. The desert of real.

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