4y ago  The Man-Hood

@OneEyeShut New-age masculinity agrees with you: Be yourself, to the max, and be 10000% authentic and committed to who you are, and that's "masculine".

Thousands of years of human history disagree with you.

Masculinity isn't some internal, self-determination thing. Masculinity is a title others bestow upon you. A boy became a man when he finally grew up and could contribute to the tribe. He'd undergo some ritual rite of passage as a sign of his entry into manhood, at which time he would then be expected to hunt, work, contribute, etc. He was no longer a boy, but a man and a part of society. And he would forever more be judged by society based on the value he contributed. If he was not useful to society, he wasn't a man. He was a boy. His very manhood depended, 100%, on the opinions others had of him and his value to others. It wasn't how committed he was to whatever personal stuff he was into. It wasn't how true to himself and how confident he was. It was his value to others.

The same is true in modern times. Your value is 100% dependent on your utility to others. You live and die by the judgments of others. Other people, not you, determine whether you have sex, have dates, get into relationships, have friends, get hired for jobs, get raises or promotions, get clients for your business - your entire life is 100% dependent on how other people judge you. And if you can't attract women, succeed at your job or at business, or otherwise contribute value -outside- of yourself, you're not a man.

If you're some expert who is completely committed to some useless topic of personal interest, like your video games or Dungeons and Dragons character, and are 100% true to yourself and authentic about it, that's not masculine. Lacking value to others and focusing on yourself is like masturbating instead of having sex.

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4y ago  The Man-Hood

@OneEyeShut It's a bit of an over-simplification to say that the what/why doesn't matter, only how real/extreme/authentic/committed a guy is.

If you are 10000% real and authentic about your video game hobby and your Dungeons and Dragons character and super-extreme about it and make extreme YouTube videos about it, that's still not masculine. Women won't want to fuck you and men will laugh at you and think you're a dork, and nobody will be your friend.

Meanwhile, if you shrug and don't care about anything, as you strut about as an apathetic MMA fighter with zero personality who just won a belt and doesn't seem to give a shit about that, you're totally masculine.

4y ago  The Hub

@CainPrice This reactionary radicalization misses the distinction between Jews and Israel. Israel is by all means a terrorist state. It was instituted as the watchdog of the imperialists in the oil area. British, at first, then it switched allegiancy to the US. When Jews had no Homeland, there were two solutions for scattered Jews. One, internationalism. Produced some of the greatest revolutionaries in history, Marx notwithstanding. Two, a nation-state. Under the premise they attach themselves to the imperialist statue quo and serve it. You can imagine the enmity between the two groups of "Jews". The first lost. The second, became the fathers.of the last apartheid state on Earth. Jewish people are people, and as such are neither inherently good or evil. But those aligned with the Israel state, are a different story.

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4y ago  The Hub

@Caldero Yes. You are an underconfident disenfranchised youth who has been radicalized. You found a community to belong to, read the literature, and now you're preaching the party line to others to spread awareness and allow others to find what you've found. Because when shit gets bad economically and a voice rises up to organize you and those like you, scapegoating a financially successful common enemy, you're going to need numbers.

It's all bullshit, but it doesn't matter if it's bullshit. Below average young guys who can't get laid in a climate where it's hard if not impossible to amount to anything, desperate for something to belong to and believe in. The time is almost ripe. All we need is for things to get a little worse in the west, and for you guys to be ready when it does.

4y ago  The Hub

@redhead An unspoken, under-the-table goal for some of the Red Pill guys is recruitment and radicalization. Talking about the Jew thing as though it's commonly-accepted fact and an integral part of the community, among a group of low-confidence incels desperate to feel like they belong somewhere, is part of the under-the-table plan.

20 years from now, after some significant economic downturn and more angry masses in the country, in some uprising to take back the West and conservative life, using general populace's envy for the financially successful Jews as a scapegoat, we might see some manosphere guy rise to some actual real-world power and influence instead of just being some internet bullshitter.

4y ago  The Hub

@Caldero This theory, and the ones like it, elevate something very basic and common among the wealthy to this overblown cartoon villain.

A rich guy, who happens to be Jewish, does something that benefits himself and is harmful to others/society.

Does the fact that he's Jewish give him the power to do this thing? No. It's the fact that he's rich.

Is the reason he's doing it because he's Jewish or to benefit Jews? No. It makes him richer, but doesn't help Jews. In fact, except for the ultra-rich Jews, it kinda hurts other Jews. And helps ultra-rich non-Jews.

Is the reason he's doing it to change society in a way that's pro-Jewish and harms non-Jews? No. It makes him richer, but doesn't make society any better for Jews, and while many of his unscrupulous and greedy business practices do harm the non-rich, it harms both Jew and non-Jew people.

Where anybody else would see rich people in power doing shit that makes them richer, you and people like you see some kind of organized Jewish conspiracy to destroy your way of life.

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4y ago  The Hub

@Caldero But let's ignore the truth or falsehood of the Jewish conspiracy for a second. I even put it in a separate message thread for convenience.

Let's just assume that the Jews have taken over society or are trying to and are doing things that are bad for normal people and bad for the world.

What are you and people like you even discussing?

I don't see any actionable advice. You're not organizing any kind of uprising, physical or social. You're not discussing how to navigate or get ahead in the Jewish-controlled world. You're not really even discussing anything or observing anything useful.

You're just signaling your awareness of the Jew thing to other people on the internet. You're literally just saying "the Jews" back and forth to each other to virtue-signal that you're on the same team and know the same (((secrets))). There's no discussion. No plan. No advice. Just shouting "Jews" on the internet to be edgy.,

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4y ago  The Hub

@Caldero Something doesn't become true in the absence of proof that it doesn't exist. I can't prove that your underwear doesn't repel bears, and that the real reason a bear isn't eating you right now is your boxer shorts. Therefore, in the absence of proof that bear-repelling boxers don't exist, we assume they do?

4y ago  The Hub

@RedRum Okay. Whatever the Jews are or aren't doing - what are the Jewish conspiracy people advocating for? Or even discussing?

I'm not seeing any actionable advice for what to do to stop the Jewish world, or get ahead in the Jewish world. Or really any discussion at all. I just see people saying "the Jews" back and forth to each other, to signal that they're on the same Jewish conspiracy team...but nothing more.

4y ago  The Hub

@CainPrice Arguably modern Christians are just as bad but in a different way. They're bureaucratic and think the rules are in place to do "good" and blindly follow and enforce like little people-police. Throw in some wealth and a sexually-oppressed marriage and you have a cuck with a whip demanding others in his life should walk the same path as he.

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