2y ago  The Hub

Masculinity is dominating while denying that the intent behind your actions is to dominate. And this is good.

2y ago  The Hub
2y ago  The Hub

@destraht I love first person non-media accounts of political destabilization like this

2y ago  The Hub


If you're trying to inspire a man, what sounds better?

"I didn't always believe in your music, but I always believed in you."


"I always believed in you! But I didn't always believe in your music."

2y ago  The Hub


Frame is what you say and do. Your thoughts, words, and deeds. Your intellect, will and emotions.

It's good to verbally establish a frame and then make sure she sees you carry through with what you just said you were going to do. This establishes consistency. Anyone loves consistency, it's just good to be consistent. Do what you say you're going to do.

3y ago  The Hub

Working backwards to forwards. From what she wants to what you want. All that being said about posnegs, hotcolds, shit tests and frame, the golden crucible of game is lifting. This is the key determinant of how successful one is in game. Lifting is the measure.

3y ago  The Hub

*biggest and least talked about red pill to exist.

3y ago  The Hub

Before I run out of CBD juice. The real red pill is not in the red or blue pill that lies in orpheus's hand, it is orpheus's hand. His hand is black. That's the red pill. If you're white, you have a choice about what pill to take, but you do not choose who to take it from. You take it from black people.

Why? Anyways. The point is to be conscious of your race. Race relations is the biggest and most installed about red pill to exist. Slaves used to live happily in the USA better than their negro counterparts in the continent of Africa. Because white people created that upward lift.

3y ago  The Hub

Girls firstly need plausible deniability. Give them an excuse to come to your place. You've got goldfish, or a movie, or a book.

Posneg. Give her a positive comment followed by a negative comment. "You look so good today! Why don't you look like this all the time?" "Your eyes are so pretty. Wait... Is your left eye looking sideways?" "You're beautiful. Except for when you throw up. That's gross." "Your legs are ivory. Oh.. is that a birthmark?"

Now, girls need to hear your frame, see your frame, and you must bring them into it. Whatever you're doing is better than what she's doing, therefore she joins your frame enthusiastically. Girls must be led. They're children. They get wet when you're controlling the frame. Your frame is what you're doing. Bring her into your frame.

Shit tests. She is going to test you. You can respond in four ways. The steps are this: firstly either agree or disagree with what she is saying. Then, either amplify your choice to absurdity, or pressure flip the test back onto her. It looks like this: "John, your shoes are so gross. Can you change them? (John agrees, and amplifies his agreement to absurdity.) "Of course dear! Here, take your wallet out and give me five thousand dollars. I'm gonna buy Jimmy choos!!"

"Mark, why are you always so mean?" (Mark agrees and pressure flips) "Well, it's because I just hate you so much. I mean, why are you always looking at other guys?"

Hot/cold. Push/pull. Give/tug. She needs to feel this dynamic between you. Without this emotion, literally motion between giving and tugging, she's dead in the water. You must bring her out of that death into motion by giving compliments, then giving insults. YOU must initiate this emotion. SHE responds to YOUR emotion. Rope her in by giving and taking. Pushing her away, pulling her back in. This drama is necessary to keep her interested. Banal, vague, plain speech will not keep her interested. This pushing pulling drama is so vital to getting and keeping girls. Give her one wave of solid pushing emotion, followed by one wave of solid pulling emotion. Wait for her responses. It looked like this:

You start the conversation. You: you're gorgeous Her: thanks! You: "wait.. is that a pimple on your cheek?"

Ok so this is advanced posneg. This is the pure form of posneg. Waiting for her response is crucial because you keep her waiting for your response. Waiting is the key because it shows you're not in a rush to see her. Give one compliment. Then wait literally forever until she replies. Match the investment. Then once she replies, make it interesting by flipping the result. Reply with a negative remark. She's going to hamster: "why did he change his mind? Was it that photo I posted on Instagram? What does he think of that photo?" Then you've got her hooked, but if you've ever fished you know that fish can slide right off the hook back into the water. Now you're waiting for food for another who knows how long. Could be months before you catch another fish. You gotta swap spots, look for another fishing area, get in a boat, get out of the boat, walk around casting your line, whatever, it takes time to catch a fish.

Keep this spinning drama for at least five texts. Then state your frame. If she jumps in your frame, take it slow. You're already in the middle of doing something, so you're going to finish that action first. She comes second. After you're done your action, you notice her looking at you.

Compliment. Wait. Insult. Wait. Compliment. Wait. Insult. Wait. Compliment. Wait. Insult. Wait. Compliment. Wait. Insult. Wait. Compliment. Wait. Insult. Wait.

This is the process I used to get the hottest girl I've met in my life to suck my balls and swallow my semen. I couldnt afford to mess it up, so I followed this process religiously. It was a process to me. I did not deviate from this process at all. If you mess up, time is your cure.

Compliment. Wait for reply. Insult. Wait for reply. Compliment. Wait for reply. Insult. Wait for reply. Compliment. Wait for reply. Insult. Wait for her reply. You have patience, you have time to test her to see if she's worth the investment. That's the feeling she gets when you wait for her to answer. Then, whatever she says, say the opposite of what you just said. No matter what she says, deeply, subconsciously, she's seeking the drama. She's seeking the push/pull. Notice her light up when you hear her answer and give her drama anyways. She might have a totally neutral answer, but yours is intentionally to stir up her emotions. This is good. This keeps you in balance, and her in motion.

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2 1,000 fcks
4y ago  The Hub

@destraht the government is just a huge gang. The hells Angels are just a huge gang. At the top, yes, the sociopaths forgo all laws both moral and civil, to reach ultimatums that benefit them both, which the lower ranking members just cannot understand.

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