1y ago  The Hub


I was up two pounds from the day

I was just thinking about it myself. I always weight myself at about the same time just when I get out of the bed as all juices are drained, all excess sweated out... I recon anyway.

SO the other day I gained about 1kg / 2lbs and I was like hmmm, but then I shaved etc and I needed to take dump and drained some more juices. I went to scale again and it was minus 1kg.

SO how do you know you gained at the time of weighing. I know you were putting that down for couple of days so it is indicative, but I'm asking on a day.

2 1
1y ago  The Hub


Have you got any vide recording for analysis. She just used the bullshtit as excuse, it is hard to say what is the excuse for, not being wet in pants or being twat in head.

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